Chapter 30

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"Don't take life so seriously. It's not like you're going to get out alive."

Chapter 30
Andrea's pov

Everyone feels adrenaline. Whether it's the rush felt when riding a rollercoaster or perhaps it's when you're being faced with a lion. Well, for me it's skating. The feeling when you skate down that ramp and fly, the feeling is indescribable.

The skateboarding competition was today so I had to be prepared. The past week or so I had been skating non-stop. When I couldn't sleep, I would skate. I would skate straight after school and sometimes I wouldn't even go to school.

Although Jonathon was also competing, we knew that something silly like a skateboarding competition wouldn't break us apart.

I finally made the intelligent decision of getting out of bed and practicing for the competition. Initially I had decided to skate all night and not sleep but if I wanted to win that competition, I had to get some sleep.

I rolled out of bed, literally which probably wasn't a good call seeing as I landed on the floor.

"Hey, tomboy. You alright there." I knew it was Zach calling from the window.

"Just perfect, thanks for asking." I say as I get up.

"So how are you feeling about today?" He asks sitting on his window bench causing me to do the same.

"Nothing. I don't feel nervous at all, I'm going to smash that competition." I reply attempting not to act nervous.

"That is the worst acting I've ever seen. Worse than Taylor Swift on Valentine's day." He laughs. "Now tell me what's really going on." He narrows his eyes.

"Wait, you've watched Valentine's Day?" I ask shocked.

"Stop trying to change the subject. Now tell me what's really going on." He says a little sternly.

"You've watched Valentine's Day! The only reason I've watched it is because of Mia." I laugh.

"Andrea. Stop avoiding the question." He says quite loud.

"It's probably just the nerves. They'll go away by the time I'm at the competition." I say honestly until I realise that he's shirtless.

"Can you not do that?" I ask as his pecks bounce.

"Do what?" He smirks at me bouncing them again.

"You know what." I warn him.

"Oh you mean this." He points at his pecks. "Why does it bother you?" He continues.

"Just put a shirt on." I give him a fake smile before Jake walks into the room.

"Stop flirting with atta boy and come downstairs." He says.

"Jake I'll flirt with whomever I want." I say. "Not that I was flirting." I scream loud enough for Zach to hear so he wouldn't get the wrong idea.

"Well it's my duty as your big brother to protect you until you get married." He says.

"What if I was having sex? You can't just walk into my room." I remind him of what privacy is.

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