Chapter 38

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"The best feeling in the whole world is watching things finally fall into place after watching them fall apart for so long."

Chapter 38
Andrea's pov

Most people eat food because it's the main thing that keeps your body running. It provides energy and without it the human body wouldn't function.

But for me, food was so much more than that. It was something that I ate out of passion. I loved food more than anything in the world which was why I am standing in the cafeteria line ready to get my hands on that cheesy pizza.

I pushed past a couple of people and walked to the beginning of the line to quicken up the process.

"Finally." I sigh once the dinner lady hands me a plate of food.

She gives me a weird look in which I respond to with a suitable answer.

"What? I'm hungry." I say to her and head to my lunch table.

I took a seat and focused on my food mostly because Zach and I had been avoiding each other since he told me he loves me.

Although it had been a few days, we didn't really speak to each other because my guess is that we weren't ready for whatever that's about to happen.

I had informed Mia and Savannah about what he did and how he says he loves me. At first they squeled like little girls then they tried to convince me to ask him out.

To take my mind of all these events, the girls and I had gone clubbing this weekend which probably explains why I'm having such a bad hangover today morning.

"Sooo...How was this weekend?" Ethan finally speaks to make conversation.

"It was amazing. We all got super drunk and you should've seen Andy. All the guys were...." She was cut off by Zach standing up and leaving.

I turn my head to face Savannah and glare at her.

"Sorry." She quickly apologizes.

"What's up with him?" I ask Ethan.

"Nothing. Maybe he just got jealous." He suggests.

"Since he's left, what's going on with you guys?" Mia takes a bite from her pizza.

"You better not tell." I look at Ethan and stare him down.

"I was never here." He says and ushers me to continue.

"I don't know what's going on. That day we were fine. We opened up to each other. Now ever since then we barely talk to each other. He can barely look at me without gagging." I say my personal opinion.

"You do know that there are two people in a relationship." Ethan speaks.

"I thought you were never here?" I ask sarcastically.

"Maybe he's right. You're probably sacred but he might be too. Just talk to him. It's the best thing to do." Mia gives me some good advice.

"That's what you call advice. Not what you just said. Learn a thing or two from your girlfriend." I finish eating my pizza.

"Oh, don't worry. I have." He winks at Mia.

"I'm eating here!" Savannah pulls a disgusted face.

As I was about to speak again, somebody came barging into the cafeteria.

"Where is she?!" Kylie scanned her eyes around the cafeteria and stopped once they landed on me.

"You bitch!" She stomped her way to my side.

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