Chapter 33

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"People change for two main reasons: either their minds have been opened ortheir hearts have been broken."

Chapter 33
Andrea's pov

"Finally!!" I scream out of excitement. "I can't wait to get on that plane today." I pack my school bag and sling it over my shoulder.

"That's if we can get out of this hellhole fast enough." Mia sighs.

We had just finished our final exam and were ready to leave for California this afternoon. Jonathon still had no idea that he was coming which was why we were going to surprise him before we left.

"I can't wait to go to Disneyland and your birthday is going to be epic especially with us being in Cali and all." Mia continues.

"Do you know what you want to do for your birthday?" Zach asks.

"Not really. I just want to celebrate it with you guys." I say truthfully.

"Don't say you've gone soft on us?" Ethan teases.

"Don't worry I still think you're a dick who has a dick of a best nothing's changed." I laugh.

"Anyways, what time do we need to be at school with all our luggage?" I inquire.

"I think around 12 since our flight is around 3." Mia remains uncertain.

"That's only 2 hours. I haven't even started packing." I worry.

"Don't worry, Savannah and I thought we'd come over to yours and help you out since we already know how unprepared you are." Mia suggests.

"What would I do without you?" I say hopelessly.

"Probably fail at life, fall into depression and die." She jokes and hugs me.

"Dude, your girlfriend is all over my best friend." I hear Zach whine.

"Dude, your best friend is all over my girlfriend." Ethan mimics Zach.

"Who told you she was your best friend? Only I can be her best friend." Mia interrupts them both.

"Andrea told me last night." He smirks at me.

"No I didn't." I try to fib.

"Andrea, didn't your mother teach you not to lie?" He answers.

"Well I bought her a guitar." Mia starts.

"I bought her a plan B skateboard signed by Rodney Mullen." He states.

"He did?" She looks at me with wide eyes.

"He did." I answer her.

"Well I've seen her naked. Top that." She laughs.

"Won't be long until I do top that." Zach winks at me until Mia grabs my arm and pulls me away.

"This isn't over." She screams. "Savannah hurry up, we're going to Andy's." She screams once more and pulls Savannah with her other arm.

The Bad Boys Little TomboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora