Chapter 19: Three Powers

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The next day, I was summoned by father to meet him in the throne room.

When I entered the throne room, father and mother were there, with serious faces. I greeted them, and they nodded. Usually, they would greet me back, but not today, it seems.

"Liliane, come here."
My father beckons, telling me to come closer.

When I reach him, he stands up and motions a guard to come. The guard came with a fancy box. Father starts talking with a solemn expression.

"Liliane, I know that your party didn't last very long, and you didn't get to open your present."


Mother continues.

"We were going to give you a jewel for your blessing, if you got one. The news of three blessings surprised us, so we couldn't get you the best jewels for your second and third blessing. I'm really sorry dear."

...again, what?

"These were the best we could do."

She takes the box in her hands and opens it. Inside, there are three sparkling jewels. One is a black zircon briolette, another is an old European diamond. The last one is a marquis poudretteite. They are all the size of my fist.


I don't even know what to say anymore.

Here I thought there's something really important to discuss about, and it was about my gems. I seem to have underestimated the royal family. They're very scary people.

Giving up, I thank mother and father for the gems, and excuse myself to meet my magic teacher, Ms. Krayla.

She was hired a few weeks beforehand because she would probably be taken as a teacher for other nobles. She is still 18 years old, and an earth mage prodigy. Every student of hers became at least a C V rank mage by the age of 25. She herself is a A III rank. She is going to help me learn everything about my natural element, which is earth, tut no one can help me on my blessing's power, as it is a personal spell.

When I arrive on the training grounds, a young brunette with a witch's hat and hand greets me. With long braids and a simple forest green dress, she starts the lesson right away.

"First, we will start with the basic of the basics. Learning how to control your magical energy, in short, mana. Your mana resides in the depth of your soul. You can only access it by pulling it through your body with a strong image. You may imagine whatever is easiest, but to start, try an image of a lake. The lake is your pool of mana. From there, imagine a stream, flowing through your body, then let it sit and drip out from your fingertips. This process may take a few weeks to get used to, so don't get discouraged if you can't do--"

Ms. Krayla stops talking as she sees the me controlling my mana around my fingertips. Her explanation was very easy to understand, so I could figure it out very easily. 

"I see we have a genius. Haha...ha..."

Looking disheartened, Ms. Krayla continues her lesson. She goes through how this simple manipulation of our mana can aid us in various ways. For example, I could manipulate my magic to become barriers, or simply strengthen a part of my body. 

Once we did a few manipulation exercises, Ms. Krayla taught me how to attribute my element to my mana. She then teaches me a few F I ranked spells and their chants, such as 'Earthquake', 'Quicksand' and 'Earth Wall'. As we rank up, we learn new spells and old spells would become stronger. To give an instance, an 'Earthquake' spell at F I would be an earthquake similar to a magnitude of 1.0, where if you were at A I, it would be similar to that of a magnitude of 8.0.

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