12. The healer

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Chapter 12
The healer

It's been 3 hours and it's barely 2 in the morning. The heat got worse; I'm currently feeling it inside my stomach. Jackson is currently sitting next to me in bed and massaging his hand, which I think I messed up by squeezing it.

I suddenly realize that Adam, Jeremy and Jackson where not in heat. They had done it with other people that wasn't their mate. That's why they don't feel it. At the thought of Adam in bed with another woman the pain had stopped for a few minutes, but sadness rushed all over me.

"It stopped" I say.

"Adam is on his way" he said.

At the sound of his name the pain returned to my head. I cover my head with my hands and try getting up. I managed to get up for a few seconds before collapsing in pain. I let out a scream as soon as the heat traveled to my chest. My chest burned, as if it was filled with gas and fire. For a second I couldn't breathe; the heat was taking over me again and it was winning.

"Here" Jackson said giving me his hand once again. I quickly grab his hand and squeeze it in pain.

"Why are you here?" I finally say the question I have been dying to ask. I give his hand a squeeze and see him wince in pain, as if he could feel my pain. At that moment I realized he did; only certain types of werewolves can take pain away and Jackson was one of them.

"Harry was having heat as well, but the last time I tried helping him he had almost killed me. So I decided to come and bother you. I didn't know you were going to be in heat as well, but don't worry I like helping you" he said. I take a look at his arm and see his veins and they were black. I stare at in awe and his smile widened.

"Is it gone" he asked.

"It's still there but I don't feel it as much" I say calmly. I take a quick look at his arm and it is still has black veins.

The heat stabbed my stomach and I let out a scream and felt him wince.

"Sorry" I whisper.

"So is this was heat feels like?" He asks.

"You've never been in heat?" I ask.

"No, I haven't found my mate so I can't go on heat" He explained. I was wrong, I thought it was because he had not waited for his mate.

"So you've never done it?" I ask.

"Nope, I'm waiting for my mate" he said. I look into his eyes and see how excited he is to find his mate. How I wish Adam was like that.


I wake up to the sound of Jeremy yelling at someone.

"Leave! Leave her alone!" Jeremy said. I open my eyes and see Adam at the door. I look at the clock and it is 2:46, a 20 minute nap? I feel the heat come again, I wrapped my head in my hands to ease the pain.

The heat then traveled to my chest and I gasp in pain. I let out a scream as the heat became worse. I take a look at Jackson which launched towards me to take away my pain. I immediately grab his hand and watch him wince a bit. I saw Adam staring at me with eyes wide open. I started getting up from the bed and I let out a scream. The pain traveled to my legs and lower abdomen and collapse in pain.

"J-Jackson!" I scream. He immediately puts me in the bed and I shake my head no. He picks me up and I let out another scream. He takes me to the tub that is now filled with ice and sets me down, the ice eases my pain. I close my eyes tightly and see Adam launching towards me.

"Get away" I growl.

"I need to help. Let me help!" He growled back.

"I don't need your help!" I growl. I let out another scream and Adam growls.

"Let me help you" he said while trying to grab me.

"Don't touch me! Go back to Esme, I bet you already helped her!" I scream and felt the heat get worse and worse.

I look into his deep chocolate eyes that I loved, I look down to his lips and start leaning in. As soon as I realized what I was doing I let out a growl. I get up from the tub and stand in front of Adam.

"Leave!" I say loudly pushing him. "I don't need you!".

He lets out a growl and leans in to kiss me. Our lips moved in sync, his soft lips lingered in mine. He let out a small groan and I grab his arm. I felt the pain go down to my legs and give Adam's arm a squeeze. We pull apart and I let out a loud scream.

"I need to help you baby" he whispered.

"No, I don't need your help. Leave" I growled. He finally realized what I wanted and he left the room for good.

I collapsed on the floor due to the pain, once again and I started crying.

I suddenly realized that Sarah was not screaming anymore, and Jeremy was here. I see over at his shoulder and there it was, the mate mark.

"Y-you mated her?" I growl.

He looks at me in shock." I had to! I couldn't let her be in pain".

"Oh but you left me in pain?" I growl. I winced at the pain in my head.

"I'm sorry" was the only thing he said.

"Leave. Get away from me". Jeremy left the room.

"Hey, everything will be okay" I hear Jackson say. I let out another scream and he quickly grabs my hand to ease the pain.

"Thank you" I manage to get out. My throat burned, it was dry and I couldn't talk.

"No problem A" he said and give my hand a slight squeeze.

Jeremy mated Sarah and Adam slept with Esme. The two people in my life that mean the world to me decided to step on me. I was nobody in their life and this hurts more than being in heat every full moon.

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