14. Second chance?

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Chapter 14
Second chance?

"I forgive you but you still need stuff to prove" I said with all seriousness.


"No buts!" I exclaim exaggeratedly.

He looks at me with surprised eyes. I laugh at the sight of that, his smile lights up. You may be asking yourself, why in the world have I not forgiven him yet? Well I believe him but not completely. I feel as if he's hiding something from me and it's getting on my nerves.


I wake up to the sound someone entering the room. I open my eyes and see a random guy in the door.

"Astrid right?" He said, I nod.

"You are?" I ask.

"Agustus" he said. I look at him with confusion and he continues, "I was an Alpha, Some jerk overthrew my pack".

At the sound of that the first person that came to mind was Adam.

"Adam" he said, I look up at him and sit up in the hospital bed.

"I know what he did. Marrying the beta's daughter? Pathetic" he said.

"They didn't get married" I confirm.

He lets out a laugh and says, "You are clueless aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, my eyes started getting watery.

"They got married" he said.

I let out a gasp and stare at him in shock.

"There's a lot of questions, I can answer them" he said.

"They are married?" I ask with my voice breaking.

"Yes, last week. A ceremonial wedding, beautiful right" he said. "I wish I had one just like that with the woman I had a child with".

I stare at him in disgust, I was mad and terrified.

"They were gonna go to Hawaii for their honeymoon but he cancelled, he said he had 'stuff' to do" He informed me. "Don't tell him I told you though. Don't let him know you know".

"Why?" I ask.

"Because you need to find out many things on your own that he can answer" he continued. "Come with me child. I will answer many questions you have and I know a lot about that family of yours".

"My family?" I ask.

"Yes, I know your dad isn't your real dad" he said.

I stare at him in shock, I can't believe it.

"Liar!" I exclaim.

"Don't believe me? Ask your dad, Sam, or even precious Jeremy" he said. "Well I have to go. Here's my number give me a call if you change your mind and do wanna join me and my new forming pack".

He handed me a paper and he quickly left.


I wake up to a pounding headache, I open my eyes and looks at the clock next to me.

2:36 am.

I look over to the sofas and see Jackson and Harry sleeping on one couch and Adam on the other. I see Jackson sit up and stare at me.

"Why are you awake?" He asks.

"I honestly don't know" I say.

"You seem worried" He said.

"I need to talk to you later" I said, "Alone".

"Sounds good" he said.

"Let's go to sleep" I say.


I wake up and see Jackson laying down in the couch with his phone alone. I sit up and wipe my eyes so I can fully wake up.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" He asks addressing what I said yesterday.

"I need to ask you something, you need to be honest" I said.

He humbly nodded and I smiled the quickly frowned.

"Did Adam marry Esme?" I ask.

"Yes" he said and stayed quiet. After a fee minutes of me sobbing, he spoke up, "Our beta was going to kill you".

"Why doesn't he get him out of the pack?" I yell.

"He promised his dad that he will wait until he retires to change betas" he said, "Adam cherished his father".

"I don't want to see him, I-I gotta go" I said getting up and running out the door with my phone in hand.

I start dialing Agustus number to let him know I'm with him.


Jeremy hurt me.

Adam broke my heart and married Esme.

My parents lied to me.

Everyone has been hiding things from me.

I can't be here anymore.

Agustus is coming for me at dawn.

I'm leaving.

And probably not coming back.

I will pack my bags and leave.

Leave this place, full of shit and sorrow for me.

I have always thought that Adam was the most powerful Alpha in the world and he is but even he has it's weakness and it's me. I love him and I know he loves me, but we can't be together for my own safety and I hate him for that.

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