18. Awake

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Chapter 18

"I love you too" I finally said. I was finally awake after wanting to scream and move.

At the sound if that Adam jolted up and launched towards me. I felt his weight all on top of me and I let out a laugh.

All of a sudden he ran out the door and left me alone for 5 minutes. I lay back down and close my eyes, as soon as I closed my eyes and was finally relaxing, the door slammed open and see the guys running towards me. I quickly hold in my breath due to the fact that for sure they were going to squish me.

"Can't. Breathe." I gasp and they all got off of me.

"Thank the moon goddess for waking you up!" I hear Jackson say.

I laugh at his overdramatic tone and they all laugh with me. After finally laughing for like 5 minutes we all stay quiet.

"What happened to Agustus?" I suddenly ask.

They all turn red in embarrassment and Adam sighs.

"He's dead" He said. I let out a gasp and try not to cry. I'm tired of being weak and crying.

"Y-you killed him?" I exclaim. How could he?

"Yes, he almost killed you!" He defended.

"That's true" I said more calmly. I didn't want to fight, I didn't have the time or energy to do that. Fighting with Adam is like expecting a boomerang to stay in one path, a never ending fight.

He let out a sigh and said, "I knew he was your real father, but Dan was the one who raised you as his own, don't you think he deserves to at least an apology and well for you to listen to him?".

"He needs to apologize to me" I say.

"No, Astrid, you basically betrayed him. He raised you and it must have hurt him that you went with Agustus just cause he told you the truth. You hurt Dan and you should at least take into consideration that he maybe lied to you to protect you" he said.

That's true, maybe he had his reasons. Maybe I wasn't ready. Maybe he was going to tell me soon. He always tells me, he never keeps secrets from me, he is my dad.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"Outside" I hear Jackson say.

"I need to leave, now" I said trying to get up.

"No, Astrid. Sit" Adam demands in his Alpha voice.

"Don't you use that tone on me" I say threatening him. I saw him flinch and he looked down to the floor.

"Sorry baby" he said.

"I don't like when you use that tone on me" I explain.

"I won't do it again" he said, he got close to my bed and sat down next to me.

"That's good" I say.

He grabs my hand and helps me get up. I manage to stand up and I pick up my shirt to see the wound Agustus left me. I look down and see it is almost completely healed, I being a white wolf heal faster than the rest.

"Almost healed!" I hear Harry cheer.

"Yes!" Jackson cheered as well.

I laugh at their excitement and sit back down.

"I want to go home" I comment.

"We already packed your bags and Dan and Sam are ready to leave as soon as you are healed so you'll go home soon-" he was saying.

I interrupted him and said, "Adam, I am home. Your pack is my home now".

He looks at me with glowing eyes and he runs up and hugs me.

"So you're staying?" He asks.

I smile and I finally say, "Yes Adam, I'm staying".

"Hell yeah! Oh we got Astrid, Oh we got Astrid!" I hear Jackson and Harry sing song.

I hear the door open and see someone I didn't expect. My mom.

"Hey honey" She says.

"Get out" I say rudely. At the sound of my voice I saw them all flinch.

"You lied to me" I say sadly.

"I was protecting you "She tried defending.

"From what? From meeting my father? Oh but you didn't protect me from your lies!" I exclaim.

"I was coward" she said.

"I'm sorry but you were" I say back.

"I understand if you are mad at me and your father Dan" she said.

"Oh I'm not mad at my father Dan, he was just another victim of your lies that honestly is not his fault he is in love" I say defending my dad.

"I need to go" she said.

She left the room and i take a look at the guys.

"Yes I was cruel but she needed to hear what I think" I say interrupting what Adam was about to say.

"I was going to say I'm proud of you" he said.

I smile at him and see the guys smiling at me.

"Let's go home" Adam said.

I quickly get up and run to the bathroom to change.


Hey people! I decided to update today cause why not right. I would really wanna answer some questions you all may have about the book. I'll answer them don't worry, leave you all's questions in the comments and I'll answer them in the comments. I really appreciate y'alls support.
                            With love, me

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