29. Fading smiles and dead bodies

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Chapter 29
Fading smiles and dead bodies

"What do you mean?" I ask Jeremy.

He laughs and responds, "Adam knows who did it? And it was not my pack".

"You gave your pack away!" I exclaim.

"Oh, no honey I didn't. I gained more people to join my pack, my pack is as strong as yours now Luna" he said mockingly.

"But Athena said, t-that-" I studded.

"She was wrong baby" he said leaning in close to me. "I am as strong as you baby girl".

I stare deep into his mockingly eyes, and see pure sincerity.

"D-Don't call me baby girl" I grit through my teeth.

"Why not? Remember the time, a few years back, that you, me and Quinn went to the park and we were so tired that you didn't wanna walk and you made me carry you-" he started.

"Stop!" I interrupt him, not wanting to hear anymore of his stories.

"I carried you home and I left you on your bed and you pulled me closer and our lips touched" he said with a sigh. "I need that right now, a kiss from my baby girl, a kiss from my girl" he said.

"No, stop" I said getting away.

He suddenly gets up and see that he wasn't tied anymore, he launched himself at me and I felt him grab me by the waist.

"We are leaving" he said.


"Leave her alone!" I hear Adam exclaim.

I swiftly and powerfully push Jeremy to the wall and run towards Adam.

"You okay?" I hear Adam ask me.

"Yes, I'm fine" I respond.

I turn around to see Jeremy on the floor bleeding from his bottom lip. I look at him and our eyes meet.

"You are gonna regret it" he said and launched himself towards Adam causing Adam to crash down and land on his back on a pointy rake.

I run towards Adam which is now coughing up blood, I take the rake off his back and throw the rake across the room.

"Well, well, Adam is vulnerable" Jeremy mocked.

Anger flared all over my body, my breathing got quick and unsteady.

"You did this!" I growled at Jeremy.

"Yes, now come on we are leaving" he growled back while getting grip of my arm.

"No" I said getting out of his strong grip. "Stop" I said pushing him, which was surprisingly a strong push.

I run towards Adam and slap him slightly trying to keep him awake.

"Wake up baby, wake up" I plead. I stare at Adam who is currently loosing a lot of blood, I take off his shirt and tie it across his torso to stop the blood coming out of his back.

"Jackson" he whispers.

"Shh Adam shh" I cry slowly.

I quickly get up and run towards the door and see it's locked, but I also see a stick next to the door. A stick I recognize too well, the stick I used on my first Alpha kill. I quickly grab it and step into a position in which I look strong.

"What are you gonna do Astrid? Hit me?" He mocked.

Anger shot through my body, everything went black as if something was taking over my body, I was out of my trance when I heard a loud scream. My sight magically came back and I saw Jeremy on the floor wincing in pain.

"I'm s-sorry" I kneel next to him. "I'm sorry!"

"It's okay" he said while picking up his hand.

He did a swift gesture towards me and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see the same stick slightly stabbing my stomach, I yank it off and I wasn't bleeding much. It wasn't a deep wound like Adam's or Jeremy's.

I get up and run off the door and look for Jackson. I finally find him and tell him what happened and we head to where Adam was at.


"He is dead?" I exclaim.

"He is, I'm sorry" Jackson says.

He is dead?

He is really dead?


I caused that.








"He can't be dead" I weep.

"He is Astrid, I'm so sorry" Jackson said a little sad.

"I need time off" I said and started walking towards a room. I enter and see a silhouette laying on the bed, I get closer and a smile spreads across my face.

"Hey Astrid" was all that person said after I ran up to him and hugged him. I needed this after the terrible news I had gotten.

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