15. Dawn

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Chapter 15

I left at dawn, left without a trace. Nobody knew that I left. Nobody will know, they won't know with who, or why, or how but most importantly they don't know where. We are currently walking towards his territory.

"So how you holding up?" I hear Agustus ask.

"I'm doing okay" I say.

He looks at me and let's out a sigh.

"You will get better, it's just a matter of time" he says.

"So my dad is not my real dad?" I ask out of random.

"Exactly" he said.

"How do you know? Why should I believe you?" I say rudely.

"I know you're mother, very well if I can say" he said. "As a matter of fact, I was her second man. She cheated on your dad until you were born".

"So who is my father?" I ask.

"I am" he said with power in his voice.


"Mommy!" I say.

I see my mommy and she is sitting in a stool with a bottle in her hand.

"Mommy!" I repeat.

She looks as me and let's out a laugh.

"You look like your father" she said.

"I like dad" I say.

"Oh honey, you don't know him. You're too young to understand" she said.

"I am a big girl" I say proudly.

"I'm already this age" I say holding up 5 fingers.

"Exactly, young" she said and left the room with her bottle at hand.


I remember the time when my mom almost told me the truth. I was five years old and she was drunk. She didn't know what she was saying, and sadly I understood.

I look at the man and see his big brown eyes, my brown eyes. I back away from him and look at him up and down. Same eyes, same hair color, same features as me. My father, my mom isn't a saint and I knew that but cheating?

"She was in Miami when we met" he said. "She was shopping as always, she went to a bar and I was there with my beta. My beta and her friend were mates and me and your mom had our I guess you can call it a fling. We exchanged numbers and two months later she said she was pregnant, she said it was mine then lied to everyone saying it was her mate's kid. Why do you think she said you were premature when you were born? To fit the timeline honey, but trust me you weren't premature".

I let out a gasp and recalled all the mysterious phone calls she would have when she thought I was asleep or when she thought  I wasn't home and she would be talking on the phone.

"So you're my father. Why tell me now?" I ask.

"Cause I knew you would wanna know when you were ready and your mother didn't have the guts to tell you. Sam, Jeremy, your mom and your dad wouldn't have the balls to tell you" he said harshly.

"They wanted to keep me away from you, my only daughter! New alpha of my pack that your mate destroyed! I will crush every single person that did me wrong and you, Astrid my daughter, will help me" he said.

"Why should I? What makes you so sure I will help you?" I say.

"Because they hurt you as much as they hurt me" he said. "Your mom, a liar, your dad, a freaking cover up which knew the secret and didn't tell you, Sam, who also knew the secret and didn't tell you, Jeremy, a liar and a coverup and a traitor, and Adam, your mate that lied to you and married the beta's daughter, pathetic".

I realized that he was right, they all hurt me and now they don't care.

"You need to be mean, fierce, powerful!" He growled saying the last word slowly.

"I'm not that, Gus" I said.

"I shall show you, you are my daughter and you have Alpha blood in you, you have Luna blood in you!" He growled.

"I do" I say firmly in sign of power.

"We're here, meet my new pack" he said. "My pack of rogues!".


Sorry this was a short chapter guys, I've been very busy lately so I hope y'all can understand and bare with me. Thank you for all the support, I love you guys! Also thanks to my boyfriend for giving me the ideas for this and the past chapter!

Also if y'all don't know what a rogue is well

Rogue: A lone wolf; a no pack wolf.

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