20. Ceremonies gone haywire

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Chapter 20
Ceremonies gone haywire

Everything was perfect, his smile, his eyes, him. Everyone was having a good time, everything was beautiful and that's how we all liked it.

"Oh what a great celebration" we hear someone say sarcastically. I turn around and see no one.

"Oh you hear me?" He says. I quickly turn around and see no one.

"I'm in the forest" The voice says and I turn towards the woods. I look for Harry and see him staring at the woods.

"We should go" he says and we walk towards the woods.

We arrive to where the man was and I don't recall ever seeing him.

"What do you want Geram" I hear Harry respond.

"We need to leave" I tell Harry.

"Why?" Harry asks.

"He wants to take over our pack" I say.

'Adam, forest now!" I mind link him.

"Oh so you're the Luna, pathetic" Geram says.

All of a sudden he launches himself towards me and I see Harry collapse on the floor in front of me. I kneel in front of him and see he is bleeding a lot.

"What did you do?" I cry.

"God damn! I was gonna get you!" Geram complained.

I get up and grab a sharp stick from the floor. My blood boiled and I was ready to attack.

"Holy shit!" He curses and starts running. I suddenly throw the sharp stick towards him and see him collapse on the floor.

"I'll be right back, stay with me" I tell Harry.

I run towards Geram and see him staring at me with pleading eyes. I grab the stick and take it out of his body. The red blood was gushing out of his stomach, the blood had made me nauseous but he hurt Harry and I ain't letting that happen. Not in my pack.

I grab the stick and then stick it into his chest with all the force I had. I see his blood gushing out of his mouth, and he was trying to talk without choking in his own pool of blood.

"Now I conquered your territory, karma is a bitch isn't it" I say and walk away seeing him give his last breath.

I look down at my body and see blood all over my beautiful white dress. My hands and arms were covered with blood, it felt like I had taken a shower with blood.

I run up to Harry and see that he is still awake.

"Hey A" he said smiling.

"I-I need to call Jackson, he will help you" I say.

"Jackson! Jackson!" I scream.

"Hey, A, calm down" he says slowly and in a low voice.

"I-I need to get you help" I cry. "You still have things to live through"

"I haven't founded my mate" He said. I let out a sob.

"You will, soon" I say.

"I won't l, Astrid even if I didn't find my mate. You made me feel as if I did, you will always be my mate, metaphorically of course" He said letting out a little laugh. I start cleaning the blood off his plain white shirt and he takes my hand, signaling me to stop.

"It's okay, I'm happy you know" he started. "I will die next to the people I love".

I turn around and see Adam and Jackson starting to kneel down next to me. Jackson takes Harry's hand and takes some of his pain away.

"My healer, My Alpha and my Luna" he said.

I stare at him with sad eyes, he thought he had everything but honestly in my opinion he still needed more, much more.

"We're here for you" Adam said grabbing his hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

That was his beta right there, his 1st in command, his best friend.

"I love you guys, no homo" he said laughing.

We laughed with him and we leaned in to hug him.

"I love you too" I hear Jackson say.

"I love you Harry" Adam said.

"Astrid?" He asked.

"I love you!" I let out a cry and lean in to hug him.

He was one of my best friends.

"Remember Astrid, don't stop baking just cause I'm not there. Don't forget to live your dreams and be happy" he said.

I let out a cry and hugged him tighter.

"I-I" he coughed. "D-Don't miss me too much A, Jack rabbit, and Adam the beast" he said mentioning our nicknames.

All of a sudden he let out a calming sigh and his eyes closed.

"H-Harry?" I ask/scream.

"Wake up buddy" Adam said shaking his lifeless body.

I stared at Jackson and he was in shock, he couldn't move, he couldn't breath. He was just there.

"Where's that asshole!" Adam exclaimed in his Alpha voice.

"I-I killed him" I let out.

"Harry? You killed Harry?" He exclaimed angrily.

"God no, I killed Geram" I explain.

He walks towards Geram's dead body and hugs me tightly.

Blood had stopped pouring out of Geram's body and Adam let out a sigh.

"Congrats on overthrowing your first pack babe" He said leaning in for a kiss. I give him a peck and hug him tightly. We go pack towards Jackson, who was carrying Harry's lifeless body.

We get back to the reception and the whole pack stopped and stared at us.

I let out a sobbing scream, and I collapse on the floor. My breath shortened and my vision became blurry.

"Astrid, come on get up" I hear Adam say.

"I-I c-can't b-breathe" I gasp.

He grabs me and kisses me as hard as he can.

We pull apart and my breathing had gotten better.

"H-How did you do that?" I question.

He looks at me innocently and says studdering, I-I read s-somewhere that kissing s-stops a panic attack".

"Thank you" I whisper.

And turn around to see the pack mourning at Harry's death, we all were. We are sure gonna miss the hell out of him. He will always be here and he will always be my favorite chef.


Hey guys, I'm glad and sad at the same time! 😭 I'm sorry! Btw as you guys can see from the picture in the top, 800 reads! I'm so excited and thank you! I love you guys!❤️❤️

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