1. Dark Side (Dunkle Seite)

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Theme song : ET - Katy Perry

I didn't want to wake up, I was having a much better time asleep. Sleep was my only solace in this world of chaos. My escape. Normal humans wake up from nightmares and feel relieved. My case was the reverse. I woke up into a nightmare. Something about the day just didn't seem right. Intuition. Paranoia. Foreboding. Whatever it was, the darkness in my head seemed to grow with the tick of the clock.

Opening her window, she quietly climbed out to sit on the roof beneath her attic room and stared out at the colourful town of Rothenburg , one of the most beautiful towns in Germany. Her house itself was painted a happy yellow. The exact opposite of her soul.

Looking towards the stadzplatz ( town square), she could see nothing but pitch black. It was just five thirty in the morning. She could hardly sleep these days. Her mind was increasingly troubled, like she knew something was going to go terribly wrong.

She found herself wondering what her life would be like if she were someone else. Someone without darkness both living in and surrounding her.

What it would be like if she hadn't gone to the stream that night.

A cold breeze blew in and goosebumps appeared on her skinny arms, forcing her back into her room. Closing her eyes, she sat at her reading desk and turned on the lamp, trying not to remember that night.

Two years ago.

"No one even noticed" she thought, wiping away the trail of tears that had begun falling from her eyes. She had just turned 17. As usual, for as long as she could remember birthdays weren't celebrated in her home. Not since her dad's company went bankrupt and was shut down, forcing him and her mum to the streets, forever in search of jobs.

Her days were increasingly long, dark and lonely. Withdrawing into her hard shell, she was able to deal with her parents neglect. Her younger sister Finja , wasn't so lucky. At age 15, Finja needed someone to care for her, someone to listen to her and constantly demanded Frieda's attention. Frieda couldn't do it. She was too far gone , in her deep well of depression. And so, theirs was a lonely home. With everyone to care for themselves.

She had come to the stream to escape the darkness that was her home. It was her favourite place to be.

The wind howled, in it she heard a birthday song.

The trees swayed, in it she saw people dance.

The water rippled before her, in it she saw peace and tranquil.

A sound behind her snapped her out of her thoughts. Turning , she looked around and saw no one.

"Come" she heard a voice behind her. It was neither male , nor was it female. It was a strange sound .

"Come, Come to me" she heard again.

Just as she decided to get up and leave, she looked at the stream again and saw a figure. Darkness was descending all around her , and she couldn't make out the shape.

Then it turned towards her.

As if hypnotized, she began walking slowly towards it. Her mind screamed for her to run away, but her legs walked even faster towards the silhouette.

Whatever it was reached out and touched her forehead.

"You need a companion. Darkness shall be yours" it whispered, turning its head slowly in a 180° motion.

That was the day darkness was buried deep within her.


"No!" She yelled.

Standing up abruptly, she hit the table and knocked down the lamp which turned off immediately.

Once again, her world was filled with darkness.

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