7.Revelations (Enthüllungen)

170 43 56

Theme song: Skyfall - Adele

" Just then, Frieda jumped...

A gunshot........

One floor below her, Adolf Hannes excused himself to get his phone, then picked up his shot gun from the drawer and shot himself in the mouth.. "


'The third death' .. Frieda gasped. She knew without knowing that it was her non- biological father that had just died. Same blood or not, he had fathered her for years, therefore he was connected to her.

Suddenly the entire room became dark.. From outside, thunder rumbled, lightening striked again and again... The ground shook so violently that Frieda fell off her chair..

Then everything began spinning...

Eerie voices began humming an old horror Gothic tune...

Frieda tried grabbing the foot of the chair she had fallen from, but it flew away too.

Everything was flying..

Pages of books tore themselves out and began flying around..

Ducking them she ran to the door which had been left open, but as soon as she got there, it swung shut with the latch clicking into place..

Breathing hard, she turned back to face the room which had become a complete mess..

At this, the lights began fluctuating. Going on and off..

Now she was dead scared, she tried screaming, but only air escaped her lungs..

'So I'm going to die now, is it?" She breathed..

Then the lights went off completely. The room became a large space of pitch darkness..

The horror tune came even stronger this time..


The window opened and closed.

It opened again and closed again.

The third time it opened, she felt a presence enter into the room.

Scared and petrified, she could only look in the dark towards the open window, with heavy rain pouring down outside.

The snow was gone....

She felt it.. Whatever it was, she felt its presence fill entire room. The air was thick with fear. Her fear. Breathing became a struggle.

Suddenly, she felt a wetness within her legs. It trickled down. Slowly at first, then faster.

"Did you really have to pee on yourself? . she heard the voice of demon she knew so well...

" I'm not that scary am I? " it continued.

"Okay, maybe my entrance was a bit dramatic..." She heard it sigh.

"After doing this for years, you'd think I would be tired of all the drama already"

"Okay, cut it out" it said tiredly..

The music stopped just then..

The rain, thunder and lightening all ceased.

The windows closed.

Everything went back to their right places..

The lights came on..

Frieda gasped...

Standing right before her was...


A/N: Please. COMMENT. . and vote too. Thanks!♥♥♥

P.s. Please check out my new work. "Sage" . I started having these random thoughts yesterday, so viola! I made a poetry book. So if you wanna know what's going on in this head of mine, feel free to check it out.. ♥❤😵

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