3. Inner Demons (Innere Dämonen)

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Theme song: Skulls - Bastille


At eight o'clock, the knock came.

A man stood at the door,  she knew him from her mother's workplace.

"It was an accident" she heard.

And then.

"Die ist tot" she is dead .

And that moment, she could swear she saw it, the demon from the stream.

It smiled at her from behind the man at the door.  "Strike one, two more to go." It mouthed at her, with its fore finger raised.

    Just then, Finja screamed.


   Monsters don't sleep under your bed, they scream inside of your head. Finja's screams triggered the monsters inside of Frieda's head. They screamed. Screamed so loudly, she couldn't hear her own screams , couldn't hear her father screaming at her to get a hold of herself. Couldn't hear her sister's blames and accusations that she drove her mother to her death. No. The demons in her head had control. At this point, she had no idea which was worse. Demons in her head. Or. Demons in her heart.

All the screaming snapped her out of her dreamlike state. Standing up, she ran out of the house, with tears streaming from her face.

The screaming had stopped. In its place came questions. Who was next to die? Finja? Her father? And how? When? The 'why' to it, she already knew.

"You'll lose three people in your life."

" This will be the starting point of your great destiny."

" Three decades added to your life."

" You were destined to die today."

" The more people die on your behalf, the longer you live. "

With more tears streaming from her eyes, she ran to the one place she thought she could find answers to the other questions.

A place she hadn't been in two years.

A place that haunted her.





The stream.

    It was deserted,  just like that night. Everything seemed so cliché, like a movie replaying.

Stopping at the same point she met it that dark night, she screamed.

"Whoever you are, just leave me and my family alone!!"

"I know you can hear me"

"I didn't choose this! You forced it on me "

"I don't want this life"

"I want to be normal!!"

Nothing. Silence.

The only sound apart from her quavering voice was the howling of the harsh winter wind.

"I don't want any more deaths"

"You can take me instead, I'm not living anyway, just existing"

Turning to leave, an eerie sound made her stop in her tracks. She sincerely thought she was alone and just talking to herself. Despite all she had seen, she hadn't thought it was real.

The sky became even darker than it already was.

The wind howled even louder.

A young blonde girl approached her, walking almost in a zombie like manner. Coming to stop in front of her, the blonde spoke.

"Your family?" She asked in a strangely deep voice, absurd for a girl of that age.

Frieda knew then that it was right in front of her. It had possessed the the girl.

She couldn't move. Or talk. She was petrified.

"No one really cares. They are just pretending. You know that, don't you?" The girl laughed.

"Who.. Who are you? " Frieda managed to ask.

At this, the blonde's voice turned robotic.

"When the last death occurs, you shall know"

"In the meantime, get ready for the second death " she said.

"From his loins you came, by your hands he shall die"

"It will be more interesting , do not worry" the girl smiled.

At this, the wind came so strongly she couldn't see. Shielding her eyes, she stumbled backwards.

At last, the wind cleared.

The girl was gone.

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