2. Shadow of Death (Schatten des Todes)

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Theme song : Seven devils - Florence + the machine

*Flashbacks are in italics*


    " No!" She yelled.

     Standing up abruptly, she hit the table and knocked down the lamp which turned off immediately.

   Once again, her world was filled with darkness.

    "No. No. No!" She yelled again.

     Standing up, she held her head , trying to block out the memories. They kept on coming back,  her guardian demon had chosen that day to torment her.

Whatever it was reached out and touched her forehead.

"Darkness shall be yours forever."

" In a year . Two years."

      "Stop. Please stop" she was crying now.

"You'll lose three people in your life."

" This will be the starting point of your great destiny."

" Three decades added to your life."

" You were destined to die today."

" The more people die on your behalf, the longer you live. "

Then it put out its ...

   She wheezed, looking around for her inhaler. She was having a full blown asthmatic attack. Pulling out drawers, she couldn't seem to find it anywhere. It was getting harder each moment to breathe. Lumbering towards the window in the darkness, she stuck her head out to breathe in the morning air at least.

Then it put out its tongue and stuck it into her mouth, slowly rotating its tongue.

She was still hypnotized, she couldn't move a muscle even if she tried.

Why had it chosen her? What had it chosen her to do? And what was it? Or rather who?

These where the questions on her mind before she passed out.


"This child is possessed, I know she isn't mine"

"So whose is she, huh?

"You should ask yourself that! All I know is that you should do something about her before she infects Finja"

"And what do you suggest I do?"

"Take her to the local priest or the exorcist, whichever suits you. You're her mother, you should know what to do with her"

"Can you hear yourself speak? You! You are her father!"

"I don't give a shit about her or any of you for that matter, all I care about is my career, which went careening down the hill as a result of the demon you have as a daughter"

He stormed off to work, leaving her mother in a pool of tears.

   Finja went over to her mother and placed her hand on her back. Trying to comfort her. She had no words to speak , all she felt now was complete hatred for the sister whom she thought was the cause of all this chaos in their lives.

If only she knew.

All these, Frieda witnessed in a dreamlike state, floating in mid air, moving between the real world and some other place.


By night, she still lay in this state, unable to speak or move. The only thing she could do was breathe and move her eyes.

Her father was on the recliner watching her with a distasteful look on his face. Finja was on her phone, with constant pings coming from it.

" Social media" Frieda sighed. She had never cared for it. She had enough drama going on in her life already, and deeper things to worry about.

At eight o'clock, the knock came.

A man stood at the door, she knew him from her mother's workplace.

"It was an accident" she heard.

    And then..

"Die ist tot" she is dead .

And that moment, she could swear she saw it, the demon from the stream.

It smiled at her from behind the man at the door.

   "Strike one, two more to go." It mouthed at her, with its fore finger raised.

    Just then, Finja screamed.


      *A/N.  Who do you think is next to die? P.s. The other language in this part of the book is German. Please, vote and comment*

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