6. Dark secrets (Dunkle Geheimnisse)

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     This chapter is dedicated to _A_Minecraftian_ . Please check out his horror novel   'Alone'.


Theme song: No Angels (ft. Ella) - Bastille


His last three words on earth, the last three words Frieda heard him speak just before she threw him out , were;

            " I'm your Father"


Twenty years ago - Hamburg, German.

           "I'm pregnant."

     Annika Ludwig was at her boyfriends home in the poorer section of Hamburg. He worked as an electrician and was the grandson of an exorcist.

Her aristocratic father would never accept him.

"Great news" he smiled at her , his perfect white teeth glinting.

She sighed. How was she going to break it to him that her father had told her months ago to leave that 'country bumpkin' boyfriend of hers.

And now she was pregnant. How had she gotten herself into this mess ?

"We can get married now" he laughed , his eyes shining as he moved forward to embrace her.

"We can't. Its over between us" she said, trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Your father , isn't it?" He growled.


   Frieda woke up to see herself on the bed in her mothers private room. How long she had been asleep, or how she got there, she had no idea. She couldn't remember anything that had happened, all she could remember was the exorcist sitting by the fireplace sipping something from a glass cup.

A dusty brown book was lying on the table beside her. It looked something like a personal diary.

      "Read it".

   A voice she recognized as the demon's spoke from thin air.

    Standing up, she felt pain all over her body. Surprisingly , all her wounds were healed and she saw no scar.

Just the pain.

The pain although didn't match the hurt she felt in her heart that her father had turned her over to an exorcist.

   "Read it".

The voice came again, stronger this time. Walking over to the table, she picked it up and sat down on the chair. As she did, memories came to her in a rush. A single tear rolled down her cheeks as she remembered the number of times she sat on her mothers legs in this same chair listening to old German folk tales.

    "Open it"

As she did, a cold breeze blew in from the open window and turned the pages several times. Finally, it stopped.

Seeing the familiar handwriting of her mother, she leaned forward and read.


   "What do you mean 'dead?'" Adolf Hannes yelled at the police officer standing at his doorstep.

"He was found dead this morning at the back of the church. From what we saw, it seems he was thrown down from the top of the building. "

"Your daughter. Miss Frieda Hannes was the last person known to be with him."

"Where is she?" Adolf asked coolly, too coolly.

Little did he know she was one floor above him right now, just waking from a deep slumber.

"I have a warrant for your arrest sir, for attempted negligent homicide. Attempted because we haven't been able to locate her yet. So she hasn't been confirmed dead. And also for your involvement in the illegal practice of exorcism."

Adolf's face had turned a ghastly shade of grey. His life was over now, he knew it, just because he had tried to get rid of a child that wasn't even his own. He had always known.


Dear diary, today is my last day of freedom. I might as well make the most of it. I'll go out to the festival tonight even if father doesn't support my going there. Maybe I'd see my love for one last time before getting married to this Adolf Hannes, father's business partner. Father says it will help promote his company and bring us more wealth and prominence.

I have cried so much , I have no tears left to shed anymore.

Mother adviced me earlier not to tell anyone about the pregnancy and to pretend that its Adolf's child . Hence, I have to get married to him as quickly as is possible.

I lied to my love yesterday that I had gotten rid of the child in me.

All these lies, they are draining me.

Just then, Frieda jumped.

A gunshot.

One floor below her, Adolf Hannes excused himself to get his phone, then picked up his shot gun from the drawer and shot himself in the mouth.

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