Chapter Two ~

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Jungkook pulled into the empty garage and got out as fast as he could. Sarah didn't have a car and since Jungkook had to be as discrete as possible, he always parked there when he had to pick up Eden. He hated the secrecy but if he told anyone about her, his career would go up in smoke and then he wouldn't be able to take care of the only thing he cared about – his daughter.


It all happened a week before HYYE Part 3 was released. Jungkook had been seeing a girl for a little over a year. She was older than him by two years and they were head over heels for each other. Jungkook thought she was the one, having no experience with other girls to really know for sure. They did everything together and they kept their relationship hidden from everyone but his bandmates. They even bought an apartment together.

There was a party. Jungkook's girlfriend attended it, dragging along her excited boyfriend. She put a bottle of alcohol in his hand and he told her that he didn't want it, that he would be underage drinking. He told her that she was too young for it, too, but she argued, saying that she was going to break up with him if he didn't drink. So he did, getting heavily intoxicated in the process.

Sometime between all the dancing and drinking, Jungkook let his girlfriend take him to a quiet room. Kisses were exchanged, but they led to something more. Jungkook felt his girlfriend mess with his belt and his mind screamed at him to leave but the alcohol in his system made him give in and let her. The next day his girlfriend called him up, yelling at him for taking her virginity and how she wanted to break up.

The Fire MV was released and Jungkook got a phone call from his ex. He answered and felt his whole world crash down around him.

"I'm pregnant," she said over the phone.

If having a girlfriend was bad in his manager's eyes, what would he think if he was a dad? Jungkook wanted a way out of this. He needed this career. He had people counting on him, wonderful fans who would do anything for him and six friends who were always there for him and cheering him on every second. He didn't have time to be a dad.

A week before You Never Walk Alone was released, he heard from his girlfriend for the first time after he heard the life-changing news. It was someone else, someone he didn't know, and they told him that his ex was in labor with his child. Jungkook freaked out. This was real.

A few days later he heard a knock on his apartment's door. He decided to keep the small shelter, thinking that it would be good when his new baby came to visit. Jungkook opened the front door to see his ex holding a bundle of blankets. He noticed a small head with closed eyes and his nose poking out and he looked at the girl.

"I don't want it," she spoke. "It's yours."

"Mine?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, yours. You're the one who couldn't keep it in your pants," she spat. "You get the responsibility of taking care of it."

"You mean you don't even want to help me? You don't even want to at least visit?"

The girl told him no before shoving the baby in his arms and walking away.


"Ap-pa!" a small voice cried. A soft patter of footsteps was heard until a small body crashed into Jungkook's legs.

Jungkook smiled and picked up Eden and her tears stopped almost immediately. She laid her head on his shoulder and began to drool all over it, making Jungkook sigh.

A platinum blonde girl walked out of a room. She had extremely pale skin and dark blue eyes. "She's been crying for you all day, Jungkook. She wouldn't let me feed her or touch her or anything."

Jungkook nodded. "I'm sorry for leaving her with you," he said. "It's just I'm getting extremely busy and with this new comeback coming, I won't have any time for her."

Sarah nodded as he spoke. "I told you, she is welcome here anytime, free of charge. And if you ever need anything, just contact me."

Sarah was a close friend of Jungkook's since elementary school. She was the only person other than Eden's mom that knew about his daughter. She promised she would keep it a secret and that she would take care of Eden whenever Jungkook couldn't.

Eden began to squirm in Jungkook's arm and he let her down. She waddled towards the couch and she struggled to get on. Once she did, she grabbed her blanket and sat there, staring at her dad. Jungkook took the hint and sat down beside her. "Thank you for taking care of her, Sarah, but I don't think I can take her home tonight. I have too much to work on."

Sarah crossed her arms. "This is the first time you've seen Eden in three days, Jungkook. You need to spend some time with her."

He crossed his arms and sat back, closing his eyes and regaining his composure. Jungkook was constantly reminding himself not to lash out or curse in front of his daughter. He wanted to be a good example for her. "I guess I will." He stood up and went to pick up Eden's bag in the kitchen. It was black and white polka-dotted and had "Eden" written on it in fancy writing and red stitching. It had various things in it like snacks and bottles including medicines and diapers and changes of clothes. Once he left Eden's sight though, she began to cry, an ear-splitting noise ringing out.

"See what I mean?" Sarah picked up the crying toddler, making her cry even harder, and brought her over to Jungkook. "Please don't just put her to bed when you get home. You need to play with her some."

Jungkook took his daughter and her tears subsided as her head made contact with Jungkook's shoulder. She moved her head to the crook of his neck and brought her fingers to her mouth.

"Thank you, Sarah," Jungkook said as he made his way over to the door leading to the garage. "I'll be back tomorrow morning to drop her off."


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