Chapter Nineteen ~

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Mr. Jeon was right. A lot of ARMYs were out there, standing up for Jungkook despite what he had done.


Jungkook looked at BTS's Twitter account and sure enough one post asked for ARMYs to respect Jungkook and his daughter's privacy. He felt touched. They really cared, even after he done all those things.

Pictures of Jungkook and Jin at the grocery the other day popped up and he noticed several comments asked for the pictures to be taken down or blurred to where you couldn't see Eden.

"I didn't even ask you guys to do that," Jungkook told Jimin over the phone. He choked back tears that developed after looking at all the fans' comments.

"You didn't have to," Jimin responded. "We just felt that you wouldn't want Eden all over the news or anything. We respect your privacy and we want ARMY to respect it, also."

Jungkook sniffled. "But I basically betrayed them! How could they still support me?"

"You know ARMYs would probably cheer us on if we only made friendship bracelets or something," Jimin giggled. "They're so sweet and kind! They're amazing!"

"I would hate me if I was in their shoes," Jungkook confessed.

"Good thing you aren't them," Jimin chuckled. "To be honest, a few are saying they won't be here for the comeback unless you're there."

"See?" Jungkook gasped. "You guys are going to suffer because of my mistakes now."

"We already are," Jimin said. "It's chaos without you here. Hoseok is playing us all. We're all doing everything we can to keep him happy so he doesn't spill any tea on us. It's bad, Jungkookie."

"And it's my fault," Jungkook countered.

"No, it's not," Jimin argued. "It's Hoseok's for being such a... a butt!" There was a lot of rustling over the phone and Jimin's voice filled the air once again. "I don't have high hopes for this comeback."

"I feel just as bad now."


"I made you guys lose fans."

"I'm sure manager-nim knew that this was going to happen," Jimin spoke. "He obviously didn't care enough." Jimin cleared his throat. "Anyways, enough with all that depressing talk. How have you been?"

"Um, good, I guess?" Jungkook answered and the phone call turned into a normal conversation. It was almost as if the two were right in front of each other, chatting away about what had happened that day.

Before he knew it, Jungkook realized he had been on the phone for longer than an hour and the clock was inching closer and closer to midnight. "Oh shoot," he muttered, sitting up on what was his bed when he still lived with his parents.

Jimin, who was falling asleep, mumbled a "what" under his breath and the two bid their good nights to each other. Jungkook raced down the stairs and into the living room to see his mom on the couch with a bundle of blankets in her arms. His dad had gone to bed earlier and he could tell his mom was just hanging on to consciousness by a mere thread.

"Where's Eden?" Jungkook asked. He looked at the TV and noticed that some sitcom was playing and he went to turn on the lights but his mom shushed him, drawing his attention away from the lack of lights to his mother, who struggled to stand up. Once she got up, she walked over to her son and held the bundle of blankets out towards him.

"She fell asleep a while ago," his mom whispered. "She's a great sleeper. You would've already been up by now crying."

Jungkook nodded. "She's pretty good when it comes to sleeping. I remember when I first got her and she only slept for a couple hours at a time."

Mrs. Jeon grinned. "Well I'm going to bed," she yawned, driving her point through. "I'll see you in the morning. Good night." She kissed her son on the cheek and then Eden's forehead before heading up stairs.

Jungkook moved the blankets away from Eden's face and he watched as she slept soundly. He turned off the TV and made sure the doors were locked before he went upstairs, his slumbering daughter in his arms. He stripped the bed of its blankets and laid them on the floor like he had done at home and made a cot for him and his daughter. Before he went to sleep, he kissed Eden's cheek and brought the blankets around her shoulders.

"Good night, honey."



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