Chapter Twenty Two ~

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Jungkook placed his things into his suit case and then Eden's things. Everything was folded neatly and he made sure he had everything with him. He made his bed, making sure the sheets were straight and tidy and that the pillows were where they were before he came. Eden watched from the floor, sucking on her pacifier.

Jungkook sighed and placed his hands on his hips. He looked at Eden on the ground. "Ready to go back home?"

Eden blinked, her brown eyes bright and full of curiosity.

"Come on, baby," he said, walking past her with his suitcase in tow. "Let's go tell my parents good bye."

Except Eden didn't move. She instead lifted her arms up, giving her dad the signal that she wanted to be carried. Jungkook grinned and picked her up, placing her on his hip and walking downstairs. Jungkook placed his things by the front door and walked into the kitchen.

"Look who's up," his dad snickered, watching as his son and grand-daughter walked in.

"It's almost done," his mom said, turning the stove off. "I did fix Eden's formula already, though." She motioned to a bottle on the counter and Jungkook grabbed it and handed it to Eden.

"So do we need to drag out your old baby stuff?" Mr. Jeon asked, looking up at his son over the newspaper he held.

Jungkook shook his head. "Nope."

"You're taking her with you?" Mrs. Jeon asked.

Jungkook nodded his head. His dad sat down the papers and got up. He went to the pantry and reached up to the top shelf. He felt around until he found what he was looking for. He took down a small jar and sifted through it before dragging out some money. He sat the jar back and closed the pantry before walking over to Jungkook. "This should keep you going for a while."

Jungkook looked at the money his dad handed him. He counted a thousand dollars. "What- Dad, I don't need this much."

"Don't fight me," his dad scolded. "You take that and go do what you need to do. I don't need it."

"Yes, you do," Jungkook argued.

"No, you have a kid to take care of," his dad smiled.

Jungkook knew there was no sense in arguing. He put in his pocket and went to the living room to call Jimin. He sat Eden down on the floor before he sat down on the couch but Eden only crawled up and sat next to him, grabbing a hold of his free hand and holding it with her small fingers.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked over the phone. His voice was husky, as he probably just woke up.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming home later today," Jungkook replied. He rubbed his thumb in circles on Eden's hand.

"Is my child coming with you?" he questioned.

Jungkook chuckled. "My child is. I don't know about yours."

Jimin hummed a response, though it was hard to tell what it was. But he groaned soon afterward. "You woke me up."

"I'm sorry," Jungkook said sarcastically.

"I probably shouldn't be saying this here, but you really need to come back," his friend spoke. "Hoseok is apparently in charge of practices and stuff. He worked us until two this morning. It's what? Eight?"

"Namjoon-hyung can't do anything?"

Jimin sighed. "I think he's afraid to. We have practice today at 8:30 but Taehyung is still asleep and I'm not getting up until he does."

Jungkook nodded. "I wish it was better for you."

"How about I quit and you and I can go off on some other route," he joked.

"No, you need to stay there," Jungkook smiled. "You still need to kill ARMYs, remember?"

"Oh yeah," Jimin responded. He yawned. "I'm going to try to go back to sleep if I can. Talk to you and my baby later."

"My baby," Jungkook argued.



Jungkook threw his stuff into the trunk and slammed it shut. He looked up at his mom who stood by her husband. Mr. Jeon held Eden in his arms and she had gotten used to the new people over the short stay.

"You'll come to visit us sometime, right?" his mom asked.

"Of course," Jungkook responded.

"And call us whenever something happens or if you need anything," his dad spoke.

"Call us when you get back," his mom quickly added. "Don't make us worry."

"Yes, mom," Jungkook complied.

"We'll keep you mind," his dad smiled, hugging Jungkook before handing him his daughter. His mom then came forward and kissed them both, grinning widely. "Stay safe. We love you!"

"Can you say bye, Eden?" Jungkook asked, looking at his daughter.

She shook her head, too occupied with the earrings hanging in Jungkook's ears.

His mom and dad chuckled and said bye as they watched him get in his car. Before he drove off, Jungkook looked back at Eden in car seat. "What are you going to do when we get home, honey?"

Eden looked at her dad with her big eyes but remained silent. Jungkook started the car and started on his way home, glancing in the mirror to get a glimpse of his parents waving him off.

"Appa?" a voice asked.

Jungkook looked at Eden in the mirror yet again. "What 'cha need?"

Eden fumbled with the pacifier in her hands. "Wuv you."

Jungkook felt his heart swell. "I love you too, Eden."


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