Chapter Thirty Seven ~

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Jungkook was dressed nicely, since today he was going to talk with his manager. Well, he wasn't Jungkook's manager anymore, but maybe he'd rethink that. Hoseok was waiting for Jungkook to tell him when he was ready, so they could talk to him together.

"You're going to stay in here, okay?" Jungkook told Eden as he set her down on the floor of the practice room. Jimin held her diaper bag in his hands as the little girl looked around the new area. Jungkook had put her coloring utensils in there along with a few of her favorite toys to keep her occupied while her dad went to talk. "You better behave or else I'll take your blanket."

Eden looked up at her dad, wide eyed. "Blankey?"

Jungkook nodded, while Jin shook his head. "She'll behave, Jungkook. You won't have to worry," Jin told him, waving his hand in the air.

"Any specific instructions for us?" Yoongi asked. "Little Eden doesn't need to get into anything she's not supposed to."

Jungkook shrugged. "I think she's okay. Just don't be afraid to tell her no if she's bugging you. Jimin pretty much knows everything."

"Told you she's mine," Jimin smirked, looking at Taehyung. Taehyung crossed his arms and walked away, pretending that he was ignoring the male.

Jungkook took a deep breath, not really wanting to leave Eden. It wasn't the fact that she was going to be with the guys, but the fact that he knew she was going to be upset when she turned around and noticed he was gone. He wouldn't be able to talk with that thought clouding his mind. But he reminded himself that if this went well, Eden would have a father who would be able to care for her again and not a father who had to rely on his parents. He looked up at Hoseok and nodded. "I guess I'm ready."

Hoseok nodded and walked over to the door, Jungkook following suit after he gave Eden a kiss on top of her head. The door closed behind them as they left and the boys that were left immediately flung themselves on the floor in front of Eden, awaiting for her to ask one of them to play. Only she crawled away to her diaper bag that Jimin had sat down and grabbed her prized blanket. She looked at the boys before she waved at them. "Bye bye," she said cutely, and they watched as she pulled the blanket over her head. Her socked feet poked out from underneath the blanket as she sat as still as could be.

"Well, this is fun," Namjoon stated, eyeing the toddler hiding under a princess themed blanket.

Meanwhile, Jungkook was shifting his weight from foot to the other in front of his ex-manager's office. He could feel the intimidation through the door. Hoseok was inside, telling the manager that Jungkook was wanting to talk to him about being let in. There wasn't exactly a plan to get Jungkook back into Bangtan. Hoseok was just supposed to explain his side of the story like why he told and why he made Jungkook look like some horrible person who slept with a girl once, got her pregnant, and pushed her away. Jungkook would then explain what happened and why he hid Eden from everyone. They would together explain everything that happened in between, hoping to clear up what was going on and then lastly, they would ask if Jungkook could get his spot back in Bangtan.

"It'll be sure to work if you're just truthful," Jimin promised as he washed as he had washed his face. "Honesty is the best policy, you know."

So really, the seven could only hope that the manager could wade through it all and see that it was all just a bunch of drama. A bunch of unnecessary drama.

"You guys were acting like girls," Yoongi snickered. "I'm sure you'll find out more about then when Eden gets older."

When the door opened and Jungkook heard his ex-manager ask him to come inside, he was ready to forgive and let go. Hoseok was doing everything he could to get Jungkook back into Bangtan to reverse all the damage he caused. The tears streaked down Hoseok's face told him that. The trust between the two may not be one hundred percent like it had been months ago, but it was slowly mending. Hopefully, it would be back to normal quickly and the two would be great friends again. But at the moment, they agreed to start over and re-do what happened between the two.

"Mr. Jeon," Jungkook's ex-manager said once the door was closed behind Jungkook. "What's your story?"


"Who?" Eden wondered, pointing to the man standing by her father. The man was smiling at her, and she had no clue who this man was.

"He's my manager," Jungkook answered, smiling as he held her.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Eden, for doing your father wrongly," his manager apologized, grinning at the little girl. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"


Jungkook laughed. "Honey, I don't think we need a dog right now. I can barely keep up with you."

"She can share Yeontan," Taehyung said, folding up Eden's blanket and placing it in her diaper bag.

"And maybe Holly," Yoongi murmured as he cleaned up her mess from the snacks Jungkook packed her.

"If you don't have a babysitter, you can just bring her here," his manager told Jungkook, but his eyes were on Eden as she tried to grab at her dad's earrings. Jungkook was thinking it was time to get her some, but he was afraid it would hurt her too much and traumatize her. "It's not any trouble."

"I think I might have one," Jungkook replied, starting to bounce Eden as she was on his hip. He was going to start over with Sarah as well, since she was trying to be a friend the whole time and help out Hoseok figure out what was wrong with Jungkook.

Jimin groaned. "But I want her here!" The others agreed, not wanting to miss a moment with the little baby. Hoseok even nodded, looking at the little toddler.

"I'll bring her around," Jungkook reassured. "Calm down."

"You better!" Jin pouted.

His manager grinned before he sighed. "It's good to have you back, Jungkook."


Should we do a q&a with the characters?



Epilogue will be published tomorrow and if enough people want a q&a, i'll have that set up where you can comment questions.

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