Chapter Thirty Four ~

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Jungkook burst through the doors of the police station and went straight to the front desk. He heard crying somewhere and he recognized it as his daughter's. "I'm here to get my daughter."

The lady grinned before going to the office Jungkook had went to when he had to talk to the investigator. The other six guys that had come with him were just now coming in through the door. It wasn't long before the lady at the front desk and the investigator came back. Little Eden was in the lady's arms, wrapping in a familiar blanket. Jungkook realized it was the one Sarah used to wrap Eden up in after she would give the baby a bath.

"I believe she misses you," the lady cooed, handing over the baby to her dad. Eden saw the familiar face of her father and began to calm down.

"Oh, honey," Jungkook cooed, hugging Eden tight to his body. He felt Eden's small chubby fingers graze his skin and he squeezed his eyes shut to keep the tears in. She was finally safe and back home. He gave her several kisses as her own tears subsided. "How did you find her?" Jungkook asked. He was shocked that they found her so quickly.

"A woman named Sarah Woods called us in," the investigator replied. "She said that she saw a young girl carrying her and that the baby was crying so her 'babysitter' instincts kicked in. She followed the girl and said it didn't take long for her to realize who the baby was. Sarah said she asked the girl if she needed anything to help the baby and when the girl told that she was fine, she started a conversation with her. The girl gave the baby a fake name, which led Sarah into thinking something was wrong." The detective continued to tell Jungkook that Sarah called the police when the girl couldn't hear her and led the police to where she was. It was long before they got her and put the girl in handcuffs. "I expect that the girl was someone you don't know. Maybe a crazy fan or something. But I get the feeling that you know Miss Sarah Woods."

Jungkook nodded. "We've been friends since elementary."

The detective nodded. "Well, we looked your daughter over and nothing seems to be wrong with her."

"Sarah did, not us," the lady corrected. "She said she would've brought her straight to you, but she didn't want you to accuse her since you were already upset with her."

"Now, why don't you go see who kidnapped your daughter, hm?" the detective asked.

Jungkook agreed and told Jimin to take care of Eden while he went to get some things sorted. Eden cried a little, not wanting her dad to leave her yet again, but Jimin used some of magic on her and soon, she was playing peek-a-boo with him and Taehyung.


Turns out that Jungkook didn't know the girl and it was just some crazy fan that had found where he lived.

"I just really wanted her," she had cried.

"People are scary," Taehyung commented on the way back to Jungkook's apartment. They were going to drop off him and Jimin before they went back to the dorm.

"That's why I don't socialize," Yoongi replied.

"Too bad she's going to be in jail for what? One to five years?" Namjoon said.

Jimin made a disapproving sound. "She should've just knocked like any other person."

"Weren't you asleep when she came in?" Jin asked, looking at the blonde.

Jimin gasped. "Oh, she saw me at worst moment."

The boys laughed before they said good bye to Jungkook and Jimin and little Eden.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" Taehyung cooed, giving her a kiss on her nose. Eden giggled before giving him a lick on the cheek.

"She doesn't know how to kiss like a human," Jungkook chuckled.

"I'm never washing this cheek again!" Taehyung smiled.

Once they were back inside, Jimin sat down his phone before crossing his arms and looking at Jungkook. "How did the talk go?"

"Huh?" Jungkook hummed, looking up from playing with his daughter. "With Hoseok?"

Jimin nodded. "Are you back on good terms or are you going to kill him the next time you see him?" He thought back to a few minutes ago when they were all in the car. Hoseok hadn't been involved in any conversation and had just stared solemnly out the window the whole time.

"It's a bit complicated," Jungkook answered. "I don't think I can forgive him immediately, but I'll give it some thought."

Jimin sighed. "At least we got somewhere. And I understand that you don't want to forgive him right away. At least be kind to him when you see him next."

"I will," Jungkook promised before going over to a cabinet. "Now what does Eden want for dinner, hm?"

"I'm feeling some Ramen would be good right now," Jimin said, sitting at the table.

Jungkook turned to him. "I didn't ask what you want. I asked my daughter. I didn't know your name was Eden."

"Me!" Eden announced. She had heard her name said and was awaiting for her father to praise her for catching on to what her name was.

"Look at you!" Jungkook cooed, as expected. "You're such a smart girl, aren't you?"

Eden nodded. "Eden!"

Jungkook gave her a kiss on the nose before grabbing some Ramen. "I guess you get your wish, Jimin."

"I didn't even have to know my name to get a treat," Jimin snickered.


"I'm so glad you're home," Jungkook said as he watched his daughter play with her toys in his bed. He was laying on his side and Eden was carefully stacking blocks on top of the comforter. Jungkook was very happy that she had been returned safely, and Eden seemed to feel the same way.

"Appa," Eden mumbled before handing a purple, plastic ring to her dad.

"You want me to have it?" he asked, pointing to the ring.

"Yeth," Eden replied and Jungkook took it, telling her 'thank you.' She continued playing around with her blocks and rings until she had given them to all her father. After she handed him the last one, she looked at the empty space in front of her.

"Where did they all go, Eden?" he asked her, and she looked up at him, her mouth agape in surprise. They were actually all behind Jungkook, where she couldn't see them.

She looked around the bed before crawling over to her dad. Jungkook heard her gasp before she crawled over his body. Her knee hit him in the face and he chuckled as she maneuvered herself over him. It wasn't long before Jungkook had to re-situate since Eden found another play spot. He let her play for a few more minutes until he looked at the time. "Hey, it's almost your bedtime, honey," he told her, reaching over and poking her cheek. "You want to go see what Jimin is doing before you go to sleep?"

"Chim?" Eden asked.

Jungkook nodded. "I think he might be trying to steal your stuffed animals. We can't have that, can we?"

Eden couldn't understand what this meant, but as soon as Jungkook sat her quietly on the ground and told her to scare him, Jimin's shins were attacked by a little girl "roaring" in a diaper.


I didn't proof read this because I spent over an hour going through 600 notifications 

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