Chapter Thirteen ~

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Jungkook looked at all the clothes, toys, and baby essentials on the coffee table. "She really didn't need all this," he gasped. "She has enough things all ready."

"I am going to spoil my granddaughter all day, every day, and you can do nothing to stop me," Jin retorted.

Eden, who was sitting in Jimin's lap, began to cry. Jimin looked at Jungkook with wide eyes. "Did I do something?"

"She just probably needs to be changed," Jungkook said as got up and took Eden. He went to his room and saw Jimin and Taehyung following him. "Yes?"

"If we're going to take care of her, you're going to have to teach us the ropes, you know," Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook nodded and laid Eden down on the bed as he went to get a diaper. He came back and went to undress her but he looked up at his friends.

Jimin and Taehyung simply returned his gaze before they asked him what he was doing.

"You think I'm just going to let you see my daughter naked? I don't think so," he tsked.

Both boys sighed before turning around, letting Eden be changed in private. Once Jungkook was done he sat her down on the ground and she walked up to the boys who still thought she was being changed. She poked her head around Taehyung's leg and looked up at him. His eyes were shielded behind his hands but he had heard the soft patter of footsteps and he watched her behind his fingers. Jungkook smiled and observed his daughter as she was unaware of Taehyung watching her. She stuck her hand up and waved at him. Taehyung finally burst and brought his hands away, laughing. Eden, startled by his sudden movement stumbled back in surprise but then smiled and squealed out of happiness. She then went to Jimin and tugged on his pants leg until he acknowledged her presence. When he bent down to pick her up, she giggled before running to her dad and hiding behind his legs.

"She's such a cutie," Jimin awed. "You're a great dad."

Jungkook picked up Eden. "I'm sure there's a ton of better ones out there."

Taehyung shook his head. "Nope. You're the best."

"Definitely," Jimin agreed, nodding his head.

Jin soon called for the boys to return and when they did, Jungkook sat on the couch, letting Eden wander around the living room. She simply sat down on the floor at Namjoon's legs, eyeing her new friends' faces with wonder. So you're the people appa talks about. I'm glad appa has great friends!

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what has Hoseok said?" Jungkook asked.

Yoongi shrugged, frowning. "You know how much I love him, but he's... I don't know. Like I said, he's not himself, but it's like there's something more to it than that."

"He's just told us what Sarah told him," Namjoon added. "From that girl, to the party, then to Eden."

"Not to mention, I think him and Sarah are like a thing now," Taehyung continued. "As soon as you left Hoseok called her and told her everything."

"Yeah." Jin crossed his arms and leaned back on the chair he was sitting in. "The comeback is actually postponed until we figure out the new line distributions and choreography."

"Hoseok is actually getting all your lines," Yoongi said.

"Well good for him," Jungkook murmured, thinking of all the lines he had to practice over and over again. He bit his lip. Those songs he worked hard to memorize and the new dances were now a wasted effort.

"It's not the same without you," Jimin muttered.

"It's really not," Namjoon sighed.

"But now I'll get to focus more on what's really important," Jungkok said, glancing at Eden who was messing with Namjoon's laces.

"Exactly," Taehyung grinned. "You'll get to be more of a father than you were able to."

"It's hard to think that you went on tours and stuff," Yoongi wondered. "You had to leave her. I know how hard it is to leave a baby."

"You don't have a kid," Jin replied.

"Holly is a baby and you know it," Yoongi quickly shot back.

"I just hate it because I think I might actually have to give her to my parents," Jungkook piped up, bringing back the sad atmosphere.

"What? Why?" Jimin asked, laying his head on Jungkook's shoulder.

"Since I'm not in Bangtan, I'm not getting paid. If I'm not getting paid, I won't be able to take care of Eden and I only want what's best for her," Jungkook muttered.

"You can find another job," Taehyung suggested. "Everyone would want you, I'm sure."

"Who wants a single parent working for them?" Jungkook looked down. "Being a single father is worse. You know much they're looked down on? Apparently taking care of a kid is a mother's job, but it's both the mom and dad's job. I don't know what I would have done if Eden's mom gave her away."

"What makes you say she would have been given away?" Namjoon picked up Eden and moved her to his other side before trying to untie the knot she had somehow made.

"She wouldn't have taken care of her, I know it," Jungkook wiped away a tear that almost slipped out. "I had to name her myself."

"You chose a beautiful name," Yoongi complimented.

"Thank God she didn't have an abortion," Jungkook groaned. "I think I would've killed her." He ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't even really care at first. I just thought she was going to take care of Eden but the more I thought about it, the more I got concerned. When she came home I was shocked of course, but I honestly just started taking care of her like I should." He chuckled dryly. "If you ever need a crib built, I'm your guy. I can change diapers pretty quickly. You kind of have to sometimes because she gets fussy real quick. I can make formula while cooking or even when I'm talking to someone on the phone. I can-"

"We get it," Jin stopped him. "We know you're the golden Maknae, now stop bragging."

Jungkook stuck his tongue out before looking at Eden who was helping herself up. She walked over to him and pointed to her mouth. "Bite!" Jungkook smiled and pointed at Jin. "Go ask him, Eden. He makes really good food."

"You mean I get to cook for the princess?" Jin asked.

"I'm not stopping you, am I?"


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