Chapter Eight ~

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Jungkook clicked the pen over and over again in his hand as he looked at the calendar. He looked at every day for the upcoming week and saw that Saturday was the comeback. He sighed. Eden won't get to see me all weekend, he thought. Maybe even longer.

The chaotic footsteps behind him suddenly stopped when the person responsible for the noise crashed into Jungkook's legs. He looked down to see Eden hugging his leg tightly. He smiled before clipping the pen back on the calendar and he then picked up his daughter.

"So what did you get today, honey?" He brought her to the living room and he sat down on the ground in front of the TV stand, putting Eden in his lap. "Did Sarah get you more clothes?"

Eden grabbed at Jungkook's nose, making him laugh and kiss her palms as she reached up at him. "Did she get you a new toy?"


Jungkook grinned. He knew what his daughter had been bought already, but seeing Eden look at him with a question in her big brown eyes made him melt. "Let's see... Can you say... 'Eden?'"


Jungkook's eyes widened. "Excuse you, I told you say Eden, not hi."


"You're so silly," he gushed, lightly tickling her skin. Once she calmed down he brought her over to the window and took her hand. He opened the blinds to reveal the dark night outside. He shaped her hand to where she was pointing. He guided her hand toward the window and pointed to the sky. "See those stars, Eden?" Eden didn't respond, causing Jungkook to continue. "There's a lot, right?" He laughed quietly at himself for what he was thinking. "Well, let's say that every star is what? One ounce of my love. And there's millions and billions and trillions of stars out there, Eden. But I love you more than that. Whatever number that is... I love you a lot more than that."

Eden looked at her dad and squirmed free of his grasp. She ran past him and grabbed something off the coffee table before coming back and pushing a toy into his hand and wrapping her arms around his neck. "Appa, appa, appa."

Jungkook took her toy and wrapped an arm around her waist, picking her up as he stood. "It's your bed time, Eden. Are you ready for bed?"

Judging from Eden laying her head on his shoulder and yawning, Jungkook made the conclusion that her energy had been spent and she was ready for a peaceful sleep. He opened his bedroom door and went over to her crib, humming a lullaby as he walked through. He got her changed into pastel pink pajamas, his humming turning to light singing. He laid her down in her crib, pulling her blanket over her small figure. Her eye lids became droopy and slowly closed. Jungkook waited a few minutes, finishing up his song when he decided to leave her and get ready for bed himself.

He went to shut the lights off when he heard someone hiccupping. He looked over to Eden's crib and saw her standing, rubbing her eyes as she cried. She mumbled phrases that didn't make sense and Jungkook walked over to her.

"What's wrong, baby?" he asked, his voice comforting to his daughter.

She reached up to him and he picked her up gently. "There, there, Eden. You're okay. I'm not gone."

Eden pointed to Jungkook's bed as she cried and her father knew what she meant. "Eden, I don't like you sleeping in my bed," he said as he grabbed her blanket and a stuffed animal. "I'm scared I might knock you off in the middle of the night or something."

Eden laid her head in the crook of Jungkook's neck and closed her eyes. Jungkook sat her on his bed before snapping his fingers. "Hey, wait a sec, Eden. I have an idea."

Jungkook grabbed his sheets and laid them on the ground, making a cot. He placed down his pillows and lastly, he covered the whole thing with his comforter. He picked up Eden and sat her down on a pillow. Her eyes closed quickly and she went fast to sleep, leaving Jungkook to shut the lights off and go to bed himself.


Y'all are like "make bts meet eden soon" but I'm like "haha I think not"

jk jk

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