Chapter Sixteen ~

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Since the amount of money Jungkook would normally carry around his pocket for a small lunch or a quick run to the store was all he had left, he decided it was time to head to parents. He hoped that they would accept him and his daughter with open arms.

Jungkook got up and could tell that it was going to be a rough day. He was going to drive all the way Busan which meant that he needed to get up a little earlier than usual. It was nearly a seven hour drive and taking Eden with him was going to be struggle, he could tell. So he quickly got in the shower and got himself ready, fixing his hair and picking a nicer set of clothes. He thought it would be better to look presentable in front of his parents. But as soon as he got Eden up, he knew that it was going to be a long day.

Eden was unusually fussy when she got up. She immediately started crying and Jungkook thought it was due to being hungry or having a full diaper. He quickly changed her and cleaned her up but that didn't dry her tears. Jungkook fed her but she only slapped his hand away and kicked her feet about in retaliation. "Baby, please don't make today difficult," Jungkook pleaded. "I'm sorry about whatever is making you upset but please ignore it." She began to calm down once Jungkook gave her a bottle of her formula and with tear stains streaked down her face she let her dad change her into a pink bunny onesie. Jungkook gently tied her hair into pigtails and then she was ready for the long ride home.

Jungkook quickly packed his bags, leaving a ton of room for Eden's things. He made sure her bag that he carried everywhere was full of the necessary things and that she was stocked up on diapers and snacks. He put a thing of formula in for when they arrived so she would have something that was normal in the new world she would be placed in.

He hated it. He knew what this was going to turn into. This wasn't just a visit. This was going to be something a whole lot more. Jungkook would give his daughter away to his parents so he could get himself back on his feet and there was going to be no way in hell that it would happen as quickly as he wanted it to. So these next couple of days Jungkook planned to give Eden as much love and care as she would need to sustain her for the duration his departure.

He found himself crying and Eden looked up at his tears. "Appa?" She patted his leg and Jungkook smiled. "I'm okay, baby. I'm okay."

I'm not okay. And you won't be either.

He loaded up everything in the car and he made sure Eden had plenty of toys and her blanket. After a final sweep of the things left in his house, he felt satisfied with what he had packed. He texted Jimin that he was leaving and that he would back within a few days.

Eden followed Jungkook down the stairs and into the garage. He wasn't holding her hand this time so he watched every step she took, making sure she was okay. And when they reached the bottom she waddled over to the car and then gasped. "Pacey." And Jungkook drew a ladybug pacifier out of his pocket and cleaned it off before handing it to her. She stuck it in her mouth and Jungkook picked her up so he could buckle her in.

Once he got in the car, he took a deep breath. He wasn't ready to give her away. He didn't want to and by all means, he would do anything to keep her. But he couldn't. Not with the way he was living. He started the car and turned the music on to a quiet hum. He backed out of the garage and once he closed the door and made it onto the road, he felt like maybe he was letting go of something more than a daughter. It didn't feel like just his daughter.

It felt more like a life.


I'm cryin too don't worry

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