Epilogue ~

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"Obi!" a voice squealed running over to a male who was trying to get his ear piece in.

Hoseok looked up and saw Eden running towards him, Sarah walking briskly behind her to keep up. She was officially Eden's babysitter again, as well as Jungkook's good friend. A backpack was slung over her shoulder that was filled with a few of Eden's things. Eden collided with Hoseok's legs and hugged him. Hoseok was also back to being friends with Jungkook, but the trust between the two was still mending. It would probably be a little while until it was fully back to what it was, but Hoseok was fine with it. "Hey, Eden! What are you doing?"

"Up!" the two-year-old requested, grabbing at the air above her.

Hoseok complied and looked at Sarah who was a little out of breath. Eden wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed tightly. "What are you two doing here?"

"Did you forget?" Sarah giggled. "It's Eden's birthday. She's two today."

Hoseok gasped before looking at Eden. "How old are you, Eden?"

"Two," Eden answered, but she held up three fingers. Hoseok only grinned before he sat her back down on the ground.

"Where's Jungkook?" Sarah asked, looking around the backstage area. The concert was going to start in half an hour and Bangtan planned to surprise their fans tonight.

"He's getting ready," another voice answered. It was Jimin. "He should be out in a few minutes."

Sarah nodded and watched Jimin come over, saying hi to Eden. "Tell him how old you are, Eden," Sarah told her.

This time, Eden put up five fingers, two on one hand, three on the other.

"Five!" Jimin exclaimed, laughing a bit as he sat on the ground. "My, my, my. Aren't you growing fast!"

"Chim, I... I..." Eden pouted, trying to find the words she was looking for.

"Yes?" Jimin said, waiting patiently.

Eden's face was scrunched for a few minutes before she shook her head, a little upset she couldn't think of the words she wanted to say.

"It's a baby!" a voice cooed before Yoongi picked her up off the ground, making Eden squeal in delight. "I found a baby!"

"Careful!" Jin cringed, knowing if she was handled that carelessly, something bad could happen. "Don't hurt the baby."

"Ooni and Jin!" Eden said happily, hearing the two.

"You're staying here, right? You're not dropping her off, are you?" Namjoon asked as he entered the room.

Sarah shook her head. "I'm staying with her until you need her."

A loud thud was heard and Jungkook jumped in front of the door way. "I hear an Eden," he sing-songed and as expected, Eden heard her father. She gasped and Yoongi sat her down so she could run to her dad. He hadn't seen her since yesterday, since she had stayed with Sarah because Jungkook was busy. He showered her with kisses as he picked her up. "Happy birthday, honey! Did you tell everyone how old you are?"

"Oh, it's her birthday?" Taehyung asked, appearing behind Jungkook. He poked Eden's cheeks.

"Show them how old you are, Eden. You've been learning how to count, haven't you?" Jungkook urged.

"Two!" Eden giggled, raising two chubby fingers.

"Small bean," Taehyung awed, blowing her kiss.


"Today's a really special day," Namjoon stated into his mic, looking at the crowd of fans.

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