Chapter Thirty Six ~

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"Appa," Eden said, running through the men standing in her house to get to her dad.

"She's so precious," Jin cooed as he watched the little girl run past him.

Jungkook grinned and picked up Eden up in his arms. "What do you want, baby? Is Taehyung not sharing the crayons?"

"I'm sharing!" the mentioned defended as he colored on a blank piece of paper.

"I peed," Eden admitted, grinning a bit.

"At least she's honest," Yoongi snickered. He looked at Hoseok who was awkwardly standing near the door like he had been when he first entered. The male had cracked a smile at Eden's words, but he didn't dare make a sound too loud.

"I'm going to go change her real quick," Jungkook told his friends before going to his room. Once he was gone, the six that were left all looked at each other.

"He hasn't yelled at Hoseok yet, so that's a plus," Namjoon murmured, trying to keep his voice quiet.

"Yeah, but he hasn't glanced his way either," Jimin sighed.

"It's okay," Hoseok tried to reassure them. "I deserve it. He'll talk to me on his own time. Don't push him."

Taehyung nodded. "Forcing someone to forgive someone doesn't exactly do anything. They'll just forgive to get you to stop bugging them about it."

"That's true," Jin agreed. "Just let him breathe a little. He just got Eden back, after all."

"He's probably still worked up about that," Jimin said. "I am, and it's not even my child."

"Good thing you're not fighting for her anymore," Taehyung smirked as he continued to draw on the paper in front of him. "I guess you're finally admitting that she's mine?"

"I never said that," Jimin huffed, glaring at the smirking boy.

Little footsteps could be heard once again and Eden entered the kitchen. They all hoped that she would come hug one of them, but she went Taehyung and grabbed a piece of paper before going back to the living room. "She's going to be my little artist," Taehyung awed, watching the toddler run off, her chubby cheeks bouncing with each step.

Jungkook then came back from his room, his hands wet after he washed them. "So how was practice?" he asked them, wiping his hands on his pants.

"Good," Namjoon answered. "The comeback is pretty soon, though, so we're going to have to make them longer, most likely."

Jungkook nodded as a response. He remembered all the dance practices around comebacks. They were pretty rough, but everything was worth it. Now he didn't have that anymore. Instead, he was busy being a dad.

"Wait a second," Jin murmured. "You have Eden back and you have talked with Hoseok. The only thing now is that you're still out of Bangtan."

The seven went quiet, thinking about what Jin had mentioned. He was right. Not everything was entirely back to normal.

"I'll get you back in," Hoseok blurted out. The boys raised an eyebrow at him.

"How are you going to do that?" Yoongi asked him, a little confused.

Hoseok bit his lip. "I got him out. I'll get him back in. It's the least I can do."

Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line. He couldn't imagine how Hoseok was going to get such a thing done. Can he handle such a promise? Or is he going to let my daughter and I down again?

"I did sort of pay manager-nim to kick you out anyways," Hoseok continued, earning a few weird looks. "I'm sure I could convince him to get you back in."

"Do you think he would get you back in?" Namjoon turned his question more towards Jungkook as he looked at the dad.

"Manager-nim did seem like he has been regretting letting him go," Jimin muttered as he eyed Taehyung's drawing. There was a smaller stick figure beside a taller one.

"It's Eden and her daddy," Taehyung said, looking up at Jimin. "You think you can do a better job than me?"

Jimin plopped down and took a piece of paper, forgetting the topic that he was supposed to be focused on at the moment. "Game on."

"You didn't happen to get super angry with him when he let you go, did you?" Yoongi asked. "If you did, he might not be so open to letting you back in."

Jungkook thought back to that day a couple months ago. He remembered how the trust he had for Hoseok plummeted. He remembered feeling all sorts of betrayal and how he couldn't imagine why someone would snitch on him. "I just lashed out towards Hoseok," he confessed, looking at the black-haired male. He recalled how he did yell at Hoseok. He had grabbed the male by the collar and he thought of how the rage had bubbled through his veins. "But I didn't get mad at manager-nim."

"If you explain that you and Hoseok are on better terms, then maybe he'll look past your little explosion you had then," Namjoon thought. The others nodded, agreeing with the leader.

"Appa, wook," a little voice said and Jungkook looked behind him to see Eden waddling over to him, a paper in her small hands. When she finally made it to him and handed the paper to him.

"What did you draw for me?" Jungkook asked her, bending down as he looked at the drawing.

Eden didn't answer, but instead hugged him and pushed her face into his clothes.

"Is that the sign that she's tired?" Yoongi questioned, internally aweing at the sight.

"She needs to have a nap," Jungkook chuckled as he picked up Eden while trying not to damage her artwork. "You want to go to bed?"

Eden rubbed her eyes before waving her hand at her guests.

"Are you telling them bye?" her dad asked her and she nodded, making the boys awe.

"She's too cute," Jin sighed as the father-daughter duo left the room.

"Thank you," Jimin and Taehyung said at the same time. They both looked up and glared at each other.

"Excuse me," Jimin hissed, while Taehyung gave him a disgusted look.

"Those two," Namjoon muttered while rolling eyes.


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