CHAPTER 2: Three Days Earlier

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        I headed down towards the basement of my house to question a guy who thought he could steal from me and get away with it.

       Right as I got downstairs, I saw the guy with both his wrists rope tied together and hanging from the chains on the ceiling with both his ankles tied together as he just hung there, motionless, moaning and groaning from the pain he's in at the moment along with blood dripping from his entire upper body as I noticed my men have taken the liberty in torturing him with barbed wire, knives and even a few burnt marks from a blow torch.

          I walked up in front of the guy, with my arms crossed against my chest.

          "Look at me!" I demanded.

          "No." The guy replied weak.

           "That wasn't a question. I suggest you look at me or I will have one of my men, here, do it. And trust me, you don't want that." I warn him.

           The guy slowly starts lifting up his head to look at me and his left eye is half swollen shut from being hit multiple times with brass knuckles.

           "Fuck you!" He says while spitting blood onto my brand new $300 shoes.

           Which true, I can always buy more cause I have more money than I know what to do with from being a leader of the most well respected and feared gang in the world. However, it's the principle of showing me respect and he needs to be made an example out of. Plus, I'm not a sensitive or sympathetic kind of a guy. At least not when it comes to business and people stealing from me.

           "Well, I tried." I said to him before I take one of the knives from the guy to my right out of his hand stab the shit out of his stomach, cutting his lower abdomen open and his guts and intestines all spilling onto the floor.

         "Wow boss." My right hand guy and best friend, Scott said.

          "I don't have time to waste. I got a meeting with Tanner." I tell him as I toss the knife onto the ground. "Clean this shit up and dispose his body. Though leave his head and send it to his fiance. Send a message." I tell them before walking upstairs to get cleaned up and ready for my meeting.


          I had Scott drive me and come along, since I trusted him the most and his my right hand guy.

          During the drive over to the restaurant, Tanner wanted to meet up at, Scott asked me why I was meeting up with Tanner.

           "He wanted to talk to me about a favor he needs me to do." I reply while scrolling through the tons of text messages from a few 'fuck buddies' I have.

           "Why do we put up with him again? I mean he talks a lot of shit and thinks his gang is the best. Technically, he's our enemy." Scott says.

           "Yes well, we have to put up with him for only a little longer. Besides, I owe him a favor from years ago." I reminded Scott.

           "I know. Sorry boss." He says, as he remembers why we're in this predicament with Tanner and his gang.

            Years ago, there was a deal I was making that was my first business deal as a leader and it went wrong. The guy I was trying to make a deal with happened to try and stiff me, so we ended up getting into a fight and I was doing good, until the asshole pulled out a knife and stabbed me hard in the arm, and it caused me to take a step back while I pulled it out and then right as I was about to go at him, to retaliate, out of nowhere, Tanner had shot the guy and helped dispose the body with me. Since then, we became good friends.

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