CHAPTER 13: They Are DEAD!!

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        I swear, if Carrie thinks she can get away with what she did, she's got another thing coming.

        Though now she's not alone. Now, she has the one person I thought I could trust.

        Hunter has betrayed me now. Which nobody betrays me without consequences.

       Which reminds me. I believe he has a gun shipment that needs some rearranging.

        So I called up one of his guys in the warehouse that was in charge of shipping the crates and talked to him about moving things around a bit. In which he has done and I'm sure that Hunter has already found out about. Which isn't really good for him on many levels, but especially, with the person the shipment was supposed to go to. The man who runs all the Mafia. In fact, he's the Godfather. And if there's one thing he doesn't like, is a thief. So this will be interesting. In fact, it's gonna be great for me. It'll give me a chance to swoop on in and start doing business with me.

         However, it still leaves the matter that Hunter and Carrie are clearly together and knowing how Hunter is, he is trying to figure out how to kill me.

          Though little does he know, I'm already prepared for when he sends his guys and even himself tries to come and attack me. In fact, I'm going to do one better. I'm gonna get Carrie back and my money.

         I doubt she has said anything to him but soon, things are going to come together. Things are going to come to an end. Including Hunter.

         There was a time, more like in the beginning, of mine and Carrie's relationship, where I did like her a lot.

          For the most part though, I was horny as hell and was at a party and at the time, I didn't see a curvy and fat cow, like I do when I'm sober. Then when I saw her sober, I began seeing what she really looked like and wasn't at all, close to my type. However, I soon realized how great at giving head she was and her self esteem was really though that I thought it would be good to be fuck buddies. Then after a while, I had noticed she was losing weight. Suddenly, next thing I knew, we were dating.

          At first, I had loved the fact she lost weight. She had never looked more beautiful. Then I began noticing the looks all the men were giving her. Including some of my men.

         That's when I started to keep her in the house. I guess you could say I became possessive. I even started making sure she gained weight by making her believe she looked better curvier.

         You might all be thinking that I am an asshole and everything. Which you'd be right. And the funny thing is, I had a really up bringing.

          Both of my parents were good to me. My mom stayed home and took care of the house and me while my dad worked.

          Then one day, my dad lost his job for no reason at all.

          They had promised me that things would get better. But they didn't. My father worked two jobs and my mother also had to get a job. So I practically stayed at home by myself and barely saw them.

          So much for a family life. I mean sure, we got to spend some time during the holidays, but gifts were less and they worked like dogs, all for little pay.

          Then one day, I saw a business deal happen by two guys that looked to be like the guys I saw in the movies, Scarface, Goodfellas and Casino. They were wearing nice suits and looked clean cut. I noticed that one of them was holding a guy by the collar up against a wall in the alley, and demanding money, the guy had owed them and when the guy said he didn't have it, the other guy started beating the shit out of him and then shot the guy in the head.

          I knew then and there, in that moment, at the age of thirteen, that that's what I wanted to do. That was who I wanted to be.

          A man with power, money and the best part of it all would be that I would be feared and well respected by many all over.

         After finally meeting Big Jones, the godfather of the mob, he told me I wasn't someone he would do business with because I had little experience in handling the kind of shipments that he was in charge of. Then the next thing I knew, Hunter, after helping save his ass on one of his first jobs, that son-of-a-bitch betrayed me and went right ahead and got into business with Big Jones. So I figured one day, I would have Hunter pay for stealing what was mine.

        Then the next thing I knew, I had found one day, after Carrie came home from visiting her uncle (or so she said), I had found underneath the bed, a bag of money. A shitload to be specific.

          When I confronted her about it, she told me she got it as a birthday gift from her uncle. Which didn't make sense to me. Especially with that much money and she hadn't come from a rich family.

           Then the next thing I knew, she had up and left me. Along with the money that I still, to this day, believe is mine. I believe she stole it from me and like I said, I do intend on getting it all back and having her pay for what all she did. And as I also said before, Hunter will need to pay for all that he did and has done.

          This time, i'll be the man on top, in the end. And once and for all, I will be someone that Big Jones will trust and hand over his title to one day.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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