CHAPTER 11: I Hate Shopping!

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It took a few hours to get to his house. Or I should say, mansion.

The place was huge and looked like I could get lost in it with all the rooms there were.

After we pulled up, we got out of the car and a guy who had huge muscles and was really tall, wearing a business suit, came walking up to us and greeted us.

"Welcome back, boss." He says to Hunter.

"Thanks Jerry. This is Carrie. My girl." I tell him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He says to me with a smile.

"Thank you." I smile back.

Jerry then went to grab our bags from the car while we headed inside.

The place seemed even bigger once we were inside.

You definitely could tell that it was a Mafia house. Especially with movie posters of Goodfellas, Casino, Scarface, The Godfather all hanging up in frames on the walls in the movie room, autographed by cast.

After meeting a few others and getting a tour, I was feeling really tired. So Hunter showed me to our room.

"This, is our room, baby." He tells me as he opens up the door.

When I walk in I see that the sheets are purple and he apparently has added things that I would like.

"Wow." I begin to say.

"Do you like it?" He asks while shutting the door.

"I love it. But..." I began.

"But what?" He asks.

"But you didn't have to do this. I would've been happy with what you had it looking like before." I smile at him.

"I'm sure baby, but, as my girl, you need to know that I would do anything to make you happy and I know that you love purple." He smiles at me.

I then walk up to him, wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist and I smile up at him.

"I love it." I tell him.

"I love you." He says to me.

"And I love you too." I reply.

We both then share a kiss, take a shower together and I end up passing out in his arms.


The next few days, I was still trying to get used to the house and all of the rooms.

I was also trying to get used to the fact that I now could ask for anything I wanted, even money. Though I didn't really need anything. Well, except some more clothes and a few other toiletries and everything.

However, since I wasn't allowed to leave without him, that meant he had to go with me. Which I really didn't mind too much.

So today, I asked him if we could go and pick out some clothes for me, which he said 'Yes' to of course.


Once we got to the mall, immediately, from the time we got out of the car to the time we went inside, people were staring at us. Especially the women.

Though it didn't really matter cause he was holding my hand the entire time and switching it up every now and then with going from holding my hand to putting his arm around my shoulders and then kissing me and just making everybody know that I'm his girl and he is not embarrassed or ashamed to be with me neither.

One of my favorite parts was when we went into Victoria's Secret.

He was the one that had insisted on us going inside. So I did, since the lingerie would be for his eyes only and everything.

After looking around for a little bit, he wanted me to try on a few for him. Which I wasn't too comfortable since I would have to actually walk out to show him, which also would give a chance to be embarrassed in front of everybody. Except, he reassured me how beautiful and sexy I was by pulling me in closer, kissing me and telling me that once I put the outfits on, to let him know and he will come in the room to see me.

So I took the few items he had picked out for me and got a room and started changing into the lingerie set.

I did not think that a woman with my curves would ever be fitting into this stuff. However, because he didn't really make me so self conscious, I did it anyways and took in a deep breath when I came walking out in the first outfit. However, I didn't see Hunter standing there waiting for me like he said he would.

So I start to cover myself up a little and slowly walk towards the end of this short hall and take a peek out to see if maybe he went towards the bathroom and or if he was on the phone. Though I quickly see him doing neither. Instead, I find him talking to some Victoria Secret employee who of course, also happens to look like she could be one of the models. They're laughing, talking and have a great time it looked like.

Though, instead of causing a scene, as much as I wanted to, I quickly turn around and start taking off the lingerie and getting dresses, then I walk out and accidentally bump into another one of the employees and she says, "Watch it fatass!" To which obviously not just makes me mad, but also embarrassed as I start noticing almost the entire store look at me. Even Hunter.

I didn't want to talk to him though. I didn't want to cry and make a bigger scene than I already have. I swear, this is like high school all over again.

So I quickly head out of the store and then the mall.

I begin walking away and don't even care at this point if rather or not he is following me.

I stop by a Jamba Juice and get a smoothie. Which yes, chocolate and fried food would be good right now, but I only have enough money on me, personally for one of those. Plus, it sounded good.

So after I got one, I sat down and started drinking it while imagining it was a chocolate milkshake or something just as delicious that was helping numb the pain I was feeling.

Then all of a sudden, I hear an angry and yet, worried Hunter come stomping up towards me.

Oh great, here we go. Can't wait to hear what he says about this.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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