Getting There

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After she hanged up I quickly ran to the rolling chair I have in my room where my clothes for today was and ran to the bathroom as fast as could. When I got in there I took a quick shower and headed downstairs. I fixed some breakfast, which was some bacon, eggs and a mocha, and ran back to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I did my make up and my hair into a nice, high ponytail. I grabbed the bag of gifts I had for BTS and my backpack. I put in some snacks and drinks in it for the long waiting I would have to do to get inside the fan meeting place. I grabbed the house keys and texted my mom.

The text messages:

Y/N: Mom I know I shouldn't be doing this but is a once in a life time thing, I know you will be mad at me...Im walking to the fan meeting place, hopefully I'll be able to get there before it starts. I love you.

Mom: Honey, I won't get mad at you I completely understand just please be careful okay? I love you too.

Y/N: Okay! Thank you!

Mom: No problem sweetie!

End of text messages

After I texted my mom i ran out that door as fast as a cheetah and locked it, I made sure all the doors where well loocked and that the windows were too. Once I was done I started to walk to downtown. I felt like some one was following me but i tried to not look back, it was probably just me being nervous. I noticed two boys were whistleling at me from acroos the street, which I totally ignored. I was already half way there and it was only 11 PM, I still had time to make it there without being late. A few minutes passed, I was standing in the traffic light, it was red. I saw all the cars pass by very fast which made me kind of nervous. As they did this I whispered to myslef "I'm getting there BTS, I'm getting there just wait a few more minutes". As I said thid the light changed and all the cars stopped, I started to walk to the other side. Now i was only about 4 miles away. I started to walk faster as excitement took over me. I could start to see the posters about it all around. Finally I got there.

------------------------------------------------------End of Chapter Two------------------------------------------------

(Sorry if some words are mispelled, I was doing this in my laptopn and they keyboard was not woking that great so I apologize)

the fansign love story | myg. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt