Funny But Cute Conversations

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Suddenly I look up and notice a guard telling me "Okay move up!!" so I do. When I looked ahead of me I noticed Jungkook smiling at me, as he did this I started to blush, I could feel my fave getting red. I guess he noticed because he chuckled when he saw me walk towards him. When I went up to him he said a warm "Hi!!" To me and I did the same, still blushing.
Y/N conversation with Jungkook:
Jungkook: Hi!!
Y/N: HI!!
JUNGKOOK:  How are you doing today??
Y/N: I'm doing amazing! Thank you for asking how about you??
Jungkook: *in flirty voice*  good but even better now that you asked *smirks*
Y/N: *blushing*
Jungkook: aww you're blushing I'm sorry I didn't mean too
Y/N: its fine I blush very easily
End of conversation
After you said this you reached into ur bag and pulled out a medium sized teddy bear. You gave it to Jungkook, when he saw it he got so happy he almost jumped out of his seat. You smiled at him and he said a very happy "Ahh thank you so much!!! I lobe teddy bears!!!" Then you chuckled and said a kimd and warm "Your welcome Kookie!!" Saying this smiling the whole time. All if the sudden you hear some one yell "Time to move up!!" When this happens you make eye contact with Jungkook and he says "Awww man already!! But I was having so much fun!!" You chuckled and started to pick up your things from the floor. When you look back up Jungkook grabbed your hand quickly and smiled, you blushed a lot while he did this. Then you hear some one tell Jungkook "Ahh leave her already I want to meet her, let go!!" After you heard this you look over and see Jin saying this to Jungkook. You chuckled amd Jungkook let's go, then you move up with Jin. Jungkook looks at you and tells you "I did it only because I had to" You smile at him and he smiles back at you. Then you hear Jin starting to talk to you.
Conversation with Jin:
Jin: Hello!! Sorry if what I did looked or sounded rude but if I didnt do it I would of not been able to talk to you and I really wanted to.
Y/N: *smiles* haha its fine Jin I completely understand
Jin: ahh thank Lord I though you hated me now *sighs*
Y/N: Jin...I will never ever in my life hate you okay??
Jin: *blushing a little bit*  aww thank you ur so sweet!!! I'll never ever hate you either!!
Y/N: *smiles* guess what??
Jin: *exited* what?
Y/N: I have a gift for you!!!
Jin: *even more exited* ahh really!!! Your such a sweetheart!!!!
Y/N: awe thank you!!! Here it is!!!
Conversation with Jin ends
You reach into the bag and pull out some chocolates and a hoodie. When he sees this he opens his exited eyes widely and start to blush. Once you hand it to him his eyes water up a little bit and yells at you "Ahh I love you so much!!" Jungkook stares at him and shakes his head chuckling. You blush and say " Haha Jin I lobe you too" Then he hugs the hoodie and you tell him "Guess what?? The hoodie is oversized I thought you kiked oversized stuff...please tell me I'm not wrong" then he looks at you, smiles and shakes his head. After 5 minutes you hear the same person yellimg the same thing again "Okay move up!!" You look up at Jin and you notice a sad look on his face. After u picked up your stuff you asked him what was wrong and he said "Its just that I'll miss you, I don't want you to go"  As he said this you blushed and said "Its fine I'll see you again anither day" "Promise?" He asked you putting his pinky finger out "Promise" you said making a pinky promise with him. Then you move up. You realized you had no idea who had been next to Jin until now. When you were settimg ur stuff down you were wondering who it would be and when you looked up the boy you had been thinking about all this time was right in front of you. Yoongi.
-------------------End of Chapter 4--------------

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