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It was dark when Chae Eunbi was walking home. She had been held up doing the classroom chores after her partners 'forgot' again. She didn't really mind though. It gave her a quiet space to think. It was when she walked past a convenience store that something caught her eye.

On one of the tables outside the was slumped a boy in a dark hoodie. She couldn't see much of his face, but she could see enough to notice the nasty cut on his cheek. Being the naive and caring girl she is Eunbi quickly walked over and took the other seat at the table. She swung her bag around, pulling out the pack of bandaids she always had on her.

"Excuse me sir?" His hood began to move and soon enough he meet her eyes. He didn't look like what she had expected, in fact he was actually quite attractive.

She quickly handed him a bandaid and watched as he gave her a strange look. All Eunbi did was smile her sweetest smile right back.

"Your cheeks cut, I thought you might need a bandaid", the boy she sat with didn't seem old, he was perhaps even her age. He was a bit surprised but he gave a small hint of a smile in return before.

"Thanks". His voice was low and sounded scratchy, like he had just been yelling. He seemed to scan her up and down for a second before speaking again. "Why are you out this late in a school night?"

She looks down at her uniform. She had forgotten it was a school night. "I was held up doing classroom chores"

The boy nods in response because looking up and down the street. "What about you? Why are you out this late?"

"Waiting for my ride" a small silence came after that but it wasn't uncomfortable. It was rather enjoyable for Eunbi actually, as she admired people who could seek comfort in the quiet. She looked up at the sky where just a few stars sat before realising she really needed to get home.

"Well, I better get home, thank you for talking with me" Eunbi smiled at the boy once more before walking away leaving the boy rather surprised. No one had ever smiled at him like that before, after all, no one smiles like that at an assassin. A black van pulled up shortly after and the boy quickly got in, willing himself to forget the kind stranger.

As Eunbi arrived at her class the next day, she was well aware of just how late she was. School started at 8:35 and it was 9:04 when she entered the class.

"Chae Eunbi, you're late, see me for a detention after class"

"I'm so sorry Miss Choi," the girl met the teachers gaze as she apologised, hoping it would help. "I was wrong, I slept through my alarm and I'm aware that I've disrupted the lesson and wish to apologise"

A small hint of a smile crossed Miss Choi face as Eunbi bowed a full 90°. "Okay fine, just don't do it again, now go sit down"

A small sigh of relief slipped from the girls lips as she walked to her desk, sitting herself next to her seat mate.

"Smooth moves Eunbi"

"Why thank you Jeno, it's all about the body language" She spoke with a small giggle and the blonde boy next to her laughed quietly as well.

"Anyway class, as I was saying you will be getting your Mid term exam results back; I must say, I'm quite disappointed" The teacher frowned as she handed people papers back. When Eunbis landed on her desk she eagerly turned it revealing her mark.

"What did you get Eunbi?" Jeno said, poking his head around her shoulder to see her mark.

"97, Dammit, only 3 points off" Her lips formed a pout as she spoke, "I'm guessing you got a 100?"

"I did"

"When have you not? Ya creepy study boy"

"Says you, you studied 24/7 in the library before and after school everyday for like 6 weeks"

If only he knew why she was really there. "True"

When the end of class bell rang, Eunbi quickly grabbed her lunch before walked to the next home room over to meet her friends.

"Eunbi!" The familiar voice of her best friend Seojin lead her straight to her and her other best friend Ryeong.

"Hey gals" Seojin quickly pulled someone elses chair out and put it next to Eunbi for her to sit. With lots of chatter and laughter the lunch time flew by and she had to go back to her class. When she arrived however, her desk was preoccupied by Haechan, Jaemin, Renjun and Jeno. In an awkward moment of distress Jaemin noticed her arrival and laughed a little.

"Hey Eunbi" He energetically waved at her and gestured her to sit at the extra chair that was sitting next to him.

"Hey Jaemin" The other boys waved slightly before continuing with their conversation, leaving herself and Jaemin to chat.

"You still coming to badminton practice this afternoon?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world, it's boys vs girls games right?"

"Yup, I'm gonna smash you"

"As if" They both burst out laughing after that. Of course Jaemin would smash her, he's captain for a reason. When the teacher entered they all split up and returned to their designated desks.

Band Aids || Mark LeeWhere stories live. Discover now