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This time when Eunbi woke up, it was due to the fact she had left her curtains open and the morning light was streaming in. Standing up she pulled the hair tie from her hair, brushing her hands through her hair before pulling it back up. Having her hair around her face was never something Eunbi had enjoyed so she had practically always had it in a ponytail. Walking out the door she walked down to the kitchen, checking the clock on the wall for the time as she passed it.

"Seven, I guess that's better than one" Walking straight through the kitchen and into the dining room she smiled at Taeyong who was setting the table for when all the boys woke up. "Need some help?"

He smiled a little before handing her the plates and cutlery to lay out. Setting everything up in silence the two finished rather quickly, which left them both sitting at the table in an awkward silence. Eunbi had her eyes locked on her hands as she felt Taeyongs eyes burning into her.

"You're parents are probably worried about where you are right? We should stop by and explain, you can grab some stuff as well seeing as all you have is borrowed clothes" His tone was cold, but Eunbi knew not to take it to heart.

"My Mum will be" Eunbi paused at the thought of just how worried her mum would be, "and it would be nice to have some of my things"

"I'll send you and a few others then, I unfortunately don't think I can attend, I have a meeting today" Eunbi nodded with a smile, but was interrupted by the door swinging open before she could talk. Jisung and Chenle walked in, greeting us before taking a seat and starting up a conversation. Soon pretty much everyone was here apart from Mark and Johnny who everyone guessed were doing a checkup on Marks shoulder. Although she was excited to go home she also semi dreaded the thought of facing her brother with the company of guys after how long she had been away.

It was about half way through the meal that Johnny and Mark slipped in, Mark taking the free seat next to Eunbi as he shot her a smile.

"How's your shoulder?" Her eyes drifted from his to look at the bandages poking out from the collar of his shirt as she spoke.

"Good, should be right in no time" he spoke with a smile.

The smalltalk with Mark continued through breakfast, and it was only when everyone was finished and beginning to spilt off that that Taeyong called for a few to stay behind.

"Mark Yuta Eunbi, you lot stay behind" Although she knew why, Eunbi's heart still jumped a little at the thought of getting called back. Everyone else filtered out as those who we told to stayed behind waiting on instructions. "You'll take Eunbi to her house today and discuss with her parents about her moving"

The boys nodded and Mark looked over at her giving her a small smile. As much as Eunbi tried to ignore it, her heart jumped slightly at the gesture. Shaking it away she smiled back, directing her attention back to Taeyong.

"I expect you'll cause no trouble as I have a big meeting today". Taeyong took a small break between his next words, his eyes locking with Marks before nodding slightly which caused Mark to visibly tense slightly before nodding back. "Now go get ready"

Eunbi turned to walk away, Yuta in front of her but Mark stayed where he stood, eyes still locked with Taeyong's. Deciding it was probably something she either couldn't or didn't want to know she continued on and straight away almost bumped into who she believed was Jaehyun. He had a pile of clothes in his hands and he gave her a smile before handing them to her.

"I got my girlfriend to bring you some girl clothes for you so you'd feel more comfortable" Eunbi's eyes brightened at his girlfriends style, jeans and a top, thankfully not a skirt. She was also still in one of Marks shirts and some of his shorts so she was quite thankful to have something more presentable to return home in.

"Thank you very much Jaehyun" She bowed slightly in respect before he walked past her to go on about his business. Heading up to her room Eunbi was at the top of the stairs when Mark exited the kitchen looking visibly upset and started making his way to where she stood. Slightly intimidated by his current aura she decided to go to her room quickly as to avoid the encounter if it was not directed towards her. Giving it a minute she decided he was indeed not angered by her she began to get ready before going to meet Yuta in the foyer.

"I wonder what's got his feathers in a ruff" Yuta was smiling as he stared at Mark coming out of Donghyucks room and going straight into his, which was just beside it.

"He seemed mad after talking with Taeyong when we left" Unlike Eunbis reaction when he snuck up on her, Yuta remained calm as he turned and shot her a curious look.

"Good observation newbie"

"Hell to the no Yuta, I'm not getting newbie as a nickname" Her eyebrow raised as she talked, shooting Yuta a deadpan face as he laughed slightly.

"Okay okay" He turned to grab his keys from the hook beside the door, which contained an almost unreal amount of them. "Newbie"

Eunbis nerves had been building slowly as she directed Yuta to her home and before long her fingers began to tap away on her thigh, an obvious sign of her nervousness. Both boys took note of it but decided to not ask seeing as the reasons behind it were obvious. Telling your family you've just joined a gang is probably not the easiest thing to do. Pulling into the driveway Eunbi took a deep breath before stepping out of the car, making her way towards the front door with the boys only steps behind.

Raising her fist to knock the door flung open before she even got to. Standing in its wake was a tall man, his black suit pants and white dress shirt only adding to his element of intimidation.

"So you came back" His words were harsh and cold, but Eunbi only smiled.

"Yes Woojin" And with that the man stopped readjusting his cuff links and gave the boys behind her a harsh glare.

"So you've been away for 3 weeks with guys?" He shook his head as he turned around, closing the door as he did. "Sorry, But we don't accept whores in this house"

The door was stopped however as Marks arm came over her shoulder to hold it open. "Well then I guess it's good she's not one"

Woojin turned with interest, curious about why the boy was trying so hard to protect his sister. "Then why has she been with you for weeks?"

"She hasn't"

"Well she wasn't with any of her friends from school, so where was she?" Mark froze at his words, thinking of anything he could to say.

"I was with mum" Woojins eyes widened as he raised his fist in fury.

"I told you not to go there again!" He took large strides as he came towards her, fist still raised. "She's god damn dead so stop talking about her!"

Eunbi squeezed her eyes shut in anticipation, bracing herself as much as she could. The hit never came though, and when she opened her eyes she saw both Yuta and Mark side by side in front of her, Marks hand latched around her brothers wrist.

"We just need to collect a few things of Eunbis, and then we won't bother you again" Marks voice was unlike anything she had heard from him before. It was so cold and demanded to be listened to, it was terrifying. And Woojin seemed to know it too as he stepped aside, watching as they trailed into the house and towards Eunbi room.

It was silent as Eunbi grabbed a suitcase and packed her things, zipping it up before grabbing her backpack and filling it with her school items. When she was done she turned to the boys who seemed to hold a sense of pity in their eyes, and that definitely did not make her feel any better.

"Let's go then" Leading the way with her suitcase in tow Eunbi quickly walked past her brother, hoping to receive any curses.

"Where are you going?" Eunbi didn't stop walking, instead she gathered all her bravery and did what she wished she did a while ago, stood up for herself.

"Away from you" The door closed behind her and she let out the breath she had unknowingly been holding. Slowing her pace slightly she allowed herself to process exactly what had just happened. A hand came in contact with her shoulder, making her glance up at the owner. Mark shot her a smile, his eyes softened in understanding as he gently pulled her into a hug. They didn't stay like that for long, but it was long enough for Eunbi to feel her heart melt.

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