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After being dropped off by a Haechans 'group' Eunbi instantly searched up the incident online only to see a completely different story appear.

'2 car crash on ——- street'. 'Man shot to death, killer unknown' 'man 'shot to death' discovered as suicide after robbing store'

"What the hell" She mumbled, how could they alter the news in such ways? Surely there were witnesses? Though thinking back it was rather strange she hadn't seen anyone around the entire time.

It was only as she was changing into her pyjamas did she realise that she hadn't even seen her injury herself. Heading to the bathroom she quickly pulled her hair into a messy bun before gently unwrapping the bandage, flinching at where it was stuck due to blood. When she finally succeeded in taking it off it revealed a rather nasty cut. It was not very wide, rather it was long and kinda deep. She quickly reached up to open the cabinet, pulling out a first aid kit. After rummaging through it for a little she found everything she needed. Taking a disinfectant wipe she gently cleaned the area before pressing gauze on and using tape to hold it in place. Now that it was a lot less noticeable Eunbi felt a little better about it. Reaching for her phone again she realised she had left it in her room.

As she opened her bedroom door a small scream escaped her lips as she saw a boy sitting on her bed. He looked up slightly shocked by her scream before smiling.

"Hello again, sorry about scaring you" he quickly stood, his hand awkwardly travelling to his nape, " I needed to tell you a few things"

Slowly closing her door to avoid the later questions that would surely come should her brother see a boy in her room at this hour Eunbi backed up so her back was pressed against it.

"Uh, where to do I start?" He was speaking more to himself than Eunbi but she could still clearly understand his English.

"The beginning if possible" Eunbi mumbles in English. He looked rather shocked as he looked up at he but let out an awkward laugh.

"Well, my names Mark Lee, and your Chae Eunbi?" Getting a small nod of confirmation from the girl he continued. "What you saw today is something you shouldn't have had to and I'm really sorry, we should have been far more careful about everything. We are a gang as you probably guessed"

"NCT" The bears in Eunbis mind began to turn as things clicked into place. "You and Haechan are in a NCT and that must've been a rival gang? That explains why they were trying to get information out of the shopkeeper"

Mark was amazed at her deduction. He would have never expected her mind to work so quickly I'm deciphering what he was trying to say. "Yes, that's pretty much it, anyway-"

"Why did they call you NCTs ace?" Her question shut Mark up as his eyes widened.

"Well, NCT is a very complex gang. There is not just one group of people. It's split up into sectors, units if you will, who all do different things. Outsider call me the ace because I'm part of all three"

"How does the media not know?" Again Mark was taken by surprise. No outsider had ever spoken to him like Eunbi was, with minimal fear and plain curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"I searched it up and the only results were a everyday car crash and a suicide after a store robbery. Surely the cops found the bullet hole in the tire or the doctors realised he can't of shot himself in the back like that? In the middle of the street as well!"

"Well, that's Jaehyun's job"


"Yes, everyone in NCT has a job, something they specialise in" Mark was quite amazing as Eunbi slowly walked to the other end of her bed and sat down, staring at him curiously.

"What's yours?"

"Well I can't tell you that" It was true, telling an outsider your job was not allowed, but he also didn't really want the sweet girl in front of him to know what he does. With a small nod Eunbi looked down at her hands, obviously uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry" Mark spoke, his voice soft as he looked at her. She was Haechans age, but unlike that rat she didn't choose to get involved.

"It's okay, of anything you saved me, so thank you"

"About that" Eunbi looked at the who looked very nervous. "You're unfortunately now tied to me due to me dropping my gun, which means you may be in quite a lot of danger from here on out"

"I guess that is to be expected" Marks head jerked up at the girl in shock. He had expected her to freak out, to cry or to slap him, maybe both, but he hadn't seen this coming. Noticing his reaction Eunbi let a small smile overtake her features. "But I'm hoping you have an idea in mind on how to stop that"

"Well, I'll send someone to accompany you while your in public and I can give you my number so should you ever feel unsafe you can call?"

Quickly taking her phone from next to her she hands it to Mark with a smile, though anyone could see the fear hidden behind it. "Sounds like a plan Mark Lee"

After he had gone Eunbi curled up under her covers hoping to sleep but instead her mind traced back to his words. "which means you may be in quite a lot of danger from here on out". Danger was definitely not her favourite thing in life, but she was guessing it would now be a normal thing.

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