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It was the next day when Taeyong called for a meeting. Seeing as she had never attended one before, Eunbi was both curious and nervous, maybe even a little excited. Her excitement was quickly killed off however by the heavy aura of the room and the fact there was not a single smile unnerved her.

"We all know what is to be discussed today, so let's not beat around the bush" Taeyong looked extremely tired, dark circles under his eyes making contrast with his sickly pale skin. "The Vixens are making a rise again and that needs to stop immediately"

Everyone in the room simply nodded as they shifted their gazes around the room almost nervously. It took a while for anyone to speak up, but Ten eventually broke the silence as he stood and walked to the long board behind where Taeyong was seated at the head of the table.

"That means tactical mission will resume. We've already planned a few, but only one will leave today" Tens hand went behind the board and pulled a large rolled piece of paper before he spread it out in front of the members. This is a map of their territory, today the Dream squad will be going here"

Looking to where he had pointed, it seemed to be a large building of sorts. It was on the edge of the gap, which made Eunbi assume it was on the edge of the so called 'Vixens' territory. The thought of it made Eunbi nervous, seeing as they were most definitely another gang it meant this mission would be the start of a gang war.

"From what information Chenle has gathered this seems to be where they run their drug cartel" Tens words caught the attention of Doyoung, but everyone else's eyes flew to the young boy leaning back in his chair relaxedly.

"When did you leave?" Jisung seemed truly bewildered at how he had missed his best friends disappearance.

"Last week, I was only gone a few hours though" Taeyong cleared his throat and all attention returned back to him.

"Everyone can go, Dream stay behind" Taking the cue to leave Eunbi stood, her obedience beating her curiosity. Thinking back to the files Jeno had given her, the Dream squad were the youngest members of the gang, which made her heart speed up. They were sending such young people on a mission in a building where a drug cartel was run. She found herself trailing behind Johnny as she made her way to exit, but Taeyong voice made her stop in place.

"You stay too Eunbi" Due to her sudden stop Yuta walked straight into her, grabbing her arm before she fell and pushing her back into the room.

"Good luck newbie" She had expected his tone to be sarcastic, but instead it was sincere, which only made her more scared. Taking a seat beside Jeno she locked eyes with Taeyong as he began to speak.

"The mission today is simple. Take it down" His gaze left hers as he scanned the remaining boys in the room before turning and walking towards the door, stopping it just before it closed behind him. "I trust you'll do well"

The boys instantly turned to the map, no words spoken as they analysed it. Eunbi looked at the map, trying to figure at least something out so she could be of help. She didn't know why Taeyong had asked her to stay, especially on a mission to take down a drug cartel. She didn't know how to shoot a gun properly, nor did she want to. Mark looked up from the map, wanting to ask Chenle a question but quickly stopped once he saw how scared and confused Eunbi looked.

"I think the first thing we should do is brief Eunbi, seeing as she will be coming with us" Realisation crossed the boys minds as they looked to the girl who stood awkwardly as they looked at her hands.

"We might want to take a seat, as it may take a while" And with that, Eunbi had all the information they knew explained to her. From what she had been told, the Vixens were a long standing gang of powerful no gooders. They had been around for decades, the higher ups mainly being business men and CEO's. They were also a long time rival for NCT ever since it had started up due to their different objectives. While NCT's objective was to achieve good through all means necessary, the Vixens did it for the money, the fame and the power.

The 127 unit had supposedly taken them down in a bombing a while ago, but turned out they were just lying low while regrouping. Now that they had gone public again the task of destroying them came back to the NCT. Mark had also taken time to explain that this would indeed be the beginning of a gang war, and that's why they were starting small but impactful. Eunbi had figured out why they were attacking here first herself, drug and narcotics rings were obviously good for money, but they also held great value in spreading the word and gathering clients.

"Any more questions?" Despite the amount she had asked and they amount they had to explain, none of the boys seemed annoyed.

"Just one" It had been the biggest question for Eunbi, nagging at the back of her mind the entire time they had been explaining. "Why am I here?"

"Your first mission. Your an official member now, meaning you will go on missions, though we've never had a girl, so what types I don't know" Jeno had answered her question, giving her a small smile before turning and go back to the map. "So now that's done, let's get a plan sorted"

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