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Everyone was set up around the building, guns tucked into their waistbands as they spoke into their in ears, the man on the other side busy trying to answer everyone. Mark was the most impatient, his gun already in hand as he stared at the building. It was a house, a mansion rather, and he knew that somewhere inside was a very important person. They had gotten the information about the other HQ at the last raid, and although it wasn't the main one, they were sure Eunbi was here.

Why? Woojin was in charge of this one. It had taken a day to piece things together, the members all finding out with great shock just who Eunbis family really was. He father was the head of the mafia and it was after he fell into illness that the gang nosedived, only to resurface recently with a new leader, a family descendant. Woojin.

"I'm going to need a drumroll please" Yutas voice streamed through the network, obviously trying to lighten the tense mood.

"This is a stealth mission" Sicheng was so obviously done with the man even through they could only hear his voice.

"I don't care"

"You can all go in three" The plan was simple. Invade, search, kill when necessary, find Eunbi, leave, blow the shit out of the place.

"Two" everyone was here excluding Ten and Taeil who were managing the mission support. Unit Dream was taking the right side, scaling the wall to get to the rooftop and making sure there was no escape through there before invading downwards. Unit U was through the front, taking the place by storm and acting as a distraction as Unit 127 went from the back.

"One" Eunbi meant a lot to the boys now, she was part of the family. And that meant that when all this went down there was no discussion on what plan to take. Retrieving her became top priority.

"Mission commence" Unit 127 stayed out, the faint sight of 5 boys scaling a wall being the only distraction for their nerves.

"Unit U had infiltrated, Unit 127 May proceed"

Mark was quick to move, swinging his body of the fence effortlessly as he took off at a sprint. The glass of the window was shattered by the butt of his gun as he leapt through it, his feet barely touching the ground before he was off again.

Eunbi heard the gunshots first, then she smelt the blood. It should have made her happy, it really should have, but there was the possibility this would all go wrong, her brothers might fail. The banging of doors flying open echoed throughout her own room, and it seemed that in only a matter of seconds hers did too.

There stood Donghyuck, panting heavily with blood smeared across his cheek, gun in hand as he locked eyes with the girl. "I found her" He was speaking into his mic as he rushed forward, pulling a knife from his waistband as he went to cut the ropes that held Eunbi to the chair. Much to his dislike, they weren't roped, instead handcuffed.

"Are you okay?" He spoke calmly, far to calmly for this situation, but a Eunbi knew it was a facade. He was nervous, for her, for his brothers, for himself. He raised his knife high up, slamming it into the lock with incredible power.

"I'm okay" Eunbi was putting on a brave face, praying she didn't break down until she was out of the building. As soon as her hands fell slack from the restraints Eunbi stood up, feeling herself waved slightly. She was exhausted from crying, from grieving for the loss of her parents, the loss of her innocence. Donghyucks arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her into his side as he escorted her out of the room, gun drawn.

They made it to the end of the hallway before trouble came in the form of guns aimed at them. Donghyuck raised his gun, pointing it at the first man before pulling the trigger. The sound of it firing never came though, instead the sickening click of an empty clip.

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