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When Mark had woken up on the couch he couldn't help but feel a little dejected at the fact Eunbi wasn't still pressed against his chest as she slept like she had been when he had woken up around two hours ago. Deciding she probably went to breakfast or to get changed the boy stood up wandering to his bedroom to switch into new clothes. After he had changed and checked the time, which was around 9 am, he decided to get the work he had been putting off doing done seeing as he had already missed breakfast.

The stairs to the third floor were hidden well to untrained eyes, tucked behind a bookcase with only a small gap to slip through between the wood of its side and the wall. The steps themselves were also technically hidden, being only small blocks on alternate sides sticking to the walls. It had been Tens idea to put them in instead of stairs. It would slow attackers down should they be raided, and it would also trick anyone not smart enough that they were just jointing from the walls.

Mark leapt skilfully up The said blocks, his well practiced body being able to do it now without even looking where he was jumping, instead he pulled out his phone and looked at that. There was three texts, one from Taeyong, one from Donghyuck and one from Eunbi. Deciding to check Taeyong first in case it was important the boy opened the small door at the top of the 'stairs' and resumed casually walking through the wide hall.

I have a meeting at 10, after that feel free to come and talk about what you wanted

A small smirk formed on the boys lips as he opened the door to the office he shared with Donghyuck. Only a few of the members had allocated offices, mainly because only a few actually needed them. Taeyong and Johnny each had a large office of their own due to the importance of their work and work files, while Doyoung and Sicheng had smaller offices to themselves. Ten and Taeil had opted for a joint office due to their similar work and need to be near each other when mission were in play, and Mark and Haechan had been allocated the last one when Haechan's skills in forgery were put into play. There were a few other offices in the basement, Renjuns tattoo parlour, Jaemins lab, and Jaehyun's office.

Sitting down in the large chair before his desk Mark checked the rest of his messages.

Breakfast was good today - even nicer seeing as you weren't there

Mark laughed at the text, sending an equally sassy remark back before clicking on Eunbis chat. Her photo was a picture of her that he had secretly snapped when they were out for dinner and it had just been so cute he couldn't help but make it that.

I'm at a cafe with Sohye, if you need me ask Jaehyun the address :)

His smile only grew, not because of her absence, that had actually saddened him a little, but because it would make it easier to talk about what he needed with Taeyong, hopefully bring a few other boys in without having to worry about her curiosity.

To Eunbi:
Have fun, Sohyes been excited to meet you

And with that he placed his phone on the desk and began to gather evidence for his chat to come with Taeyong.

When Mark was standing outside of Taeyongs office door, he couldn't help but feel nervous which was far out of his character at this point. He wasn't scared to talk yo Taeyong, he wasn't scared of Taeyongs reaction to what he had to say, so he couldn't quote pin exactly what had him so antsy. Placing a solid knock on the door before walking in, Mark brushed the feeling away and looked at the older man.

"So what was it you wanted to talk about Mark?"

"Eunbi" Taeyong leaned forward, resting his arm on the table as Mark took a seat, "more specifically her position in the gang"

"Go on"

"She can't kill people Taeyong. She doesn't have the mindset, and I'm  sure she would if we left her to gather experience, but I don't want to do that. I don't want to ruin her"

"She knew what she was getting into when she joined Mark, this life comes with death and guilt, she knew that as well as you did"

"Don't do that Taeyong" Taeyongs eyes widened at the ferocity in the boys voice, despite having been with him in missions, there had never been such an unexplained amount.

"Do what?"

"Stop trying to get her to bail. You know full well she can't and won't"

"I'm not trying to get her to bail Mark, I'm trying to break her in"

"No you're not. You're trying to send her on missions you wouldn't give to any other newbie"

"IM TRYING TO PROTECT HER MARK" Taeyongs voice rose, shaking as he stopped and buried his head in his hands. "The faster she gets used to this life the less likely it will be she can't help herself if in a bad situation"

Marks resolve softened as he looked at the shaking man in front of him. "She won't end up like Yena Taeyong. I'll make sure of it, we'll make sure of it" The younger boy took a breath before talking again. "But let's do it in a way that will make her to want to stay, not push her away"

Taeyong met Marks eyes as he nodded, his eyes ever so slightly red as though he was about to cry. "How do we do that"

"Let her do what shes good at, and that's negotiating" Taeyongs eyes didn't lose the glint of sadness, but they looked interested. "She negiotiated our way into that safe you know, got the man to tell us what we needed and according to Jeno there are many times she should have gotten a detention but managed to talk her way out of it. She good Taeyong, and that is a position we currently can't fill"

"We'll try it, and if it works I'll consider it, if not, we'll have to find another way"

"It will work" Mark stood from the chair, taking the papers he ended up not needing as he turned to the door. "I'm sure of it"

When the door closed behind him, Mark finally realised what he was nervous about before he entered. He was nervous he would be told the truth.

He was nervous that Taeyong would tell him that Eunbi was as good as dead anyway.

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