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Eunbi had been stunned at Marks words, but their moments was ruined when Ten came out, a look of pure terror in his eyes. It turns out Johnny, Doyoung and Jaehyun had not returned and they had cut their in ears off from their side, which was only done if the owners were captured.

The discovery set everyone off in a panicked frenzy, Taeyong nearly in tears as he paced around his office talking to Ten. It was around two hours later that everyone excluding that pair was sat around the lounge, Sohye crying into Eunbis chest as the girl held her close, too scared to let her go in case the older girl began to crumble. She hadn't taken the news of the missing boys very well, especially considering Jaehyun was apart of them.

When the phone rang, it was Taeil who had gotten up to answer. He had come rushing back into the room after only seconds however, grabbing ahold of Mark and dragging him with him as he sprinted upstairs and to what everyone assumed was Taeyong's office.

"What the hell was that?" Sicheng looked utterly confused as he stared where the boys had been, deciding that his place on the floor was no longer comfortable before taking the seat next to Eunbi.

"Are you okay?" His voice was quiet, quiet enough that Eunbi barely heard it.

"Yes thank you Sicheng, what about you?"

"I'm okay" The boy kept an eye on the young girl as she ran her fingers through Sohyes hair, her other hand placed securely on the girls back as she drew little circles. Sicheng couldn't help but think how the girl was far to young for this. Sure, there were younger members, but they had joined by choice and were properly trained before facing the field. Eunbi however was only 17, and she had been somewhat forced to join with no training at all.

His attention was stolen from the girl as the group of people from Taeyong office entered the room. Mark looked annoyed, his eyes softening slightly as they found their way to Eunbi.

Taeyong stepped forward, letting out a sigh before talking. "They've got captured, and they are offering a trade"

"What do you mean?" Sohye could barely speak, but her words were still heard.

"They want Eunbi in exchange for the boys" Marks jaw clenched at the words, his eyes still trained on the girl.

"I'll do it" Everyone's attention suddenly jumped to the girl, her outburst shocking everyone.

"We said no" For the first time in a long time the boys watched as absolute fury crossed Eunbis features as she slid the sobbing girl from her before standing.

"What the hell Taeyong!" Taeyong took a step back as she yelled at him, her fist forming balls at her sides. "How the hell could you say no to that? Those are your brothers that are in danger!"


"No Taeyong. You listen to me. Those boys are important to this gang. They all have jobs and people around here that need them, I'm new, I'm not trained and I'm not needed here. What the hell were you thinking saying no!"

"Eunbi Stop" Eunbi spun around, her eyes locking with Sohyes.

"He's you're boyfriend for god sakes Sohye, surely you agree!" Sohye stood, her hands grabbing onto Eunbis shoulders as she spoke.

"And you're my friend! Switching one for the other isn't going to make this any better, we need to figure out another way" Sohye watched as Eunbi clenched her jaw together, her fists clamping together tighter before falling limp.

"Fine, But I hope to Hell you know that Im not giving in this easily" Eunbi left the room quickly, Mark following her out before anyone could vent question it.

He followed her up the staircase and to her doorway before she spun around to face him. Tears were welled in her eyes as she glared defiantly at him. "You can't change my mind"

"Maybe not, but we can discuss it anyway" Eunbi narrowed her eyes even more at the boy before spinning on her heel and entering her room as she attempted to close the door on him. Mark easily stopped it though, pushing it open with little effort.

"Eunbi you cant just trade yourself in, you're every part as much of a member as they are, it isn't a good trade"

"About earlier"


"Did you mean it?"

"Eunbi I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you right now!" Mark was close to Eunbi now, a step away as he looked her dead in the eye.

"And I'm trying to subtly avoid it!" Eunbi let out a sigh, turning away from Mark as she spoke. "If I go through with this, I die, if I don't go through with this, they all die"

"That's not how this works Eunbi"

"Just get out Mark" Mark stuttered with the beginning of a sentence, but he stopped when he caught sight of Eunbis face in her mirror. There were tears pouring from her scrunched eyes, her lips pulled into a tight grimace as her right hand clutched her left wrist in attempt to stop herself from breaking down. That when he knew. She was scared, she was incredibly scared. So he followed her instruction and left, sliding down her closed door to the ground where he buried his head in his hands, completely unsure of what to do.

Eunbi refused to cry, instead she went to her draws and pulled out some clean clothes, dressing to accomodate with the falling sun. She walked to the door as she pulled her black sweater over her head, listening to the small cries from the boy slumped outside. It broke her heart, but this was for the better.

Eunbi walked to her bookcase, pushing it aside to reveal a small door. It lead to Renjuns room which was two rooms down, connected by a crawl tunnel. They had discovered it when Renjun was re arranging his room, and since then the pair had used it to win every game of hide and seek the dreamies had played. She slipped through, pulling the bookcase to cover as much as it could before crawling through to Renjun's room, watching Mark through the partially opened door and waiting for the perfect moment.

Sure enough, he buried his head in his hands once more, and Eunbi slipped out and darted behind the staircase that lead to the office floor. She was praying to any god she could that the boys were still downstairs, and it seemed like one of them had finally pitied her enough to listen as she slipped into Tens empty office. She quickly took a hold of one of the trackers, writing a small note before slipping out and going to Marks office.

There was a window sill on his window, big enough for Eunbi to stand up on. Eunbi slid out the window, closing it behind her as she looked around for her next plan of action. Luckily, Donghyucks sneaky habits had given her a way out of this, the rope he used to sneak out still hanging next to her. She slid down with less gracefulness than planned, but she managed to keep quiet.

She wished Jisung a small apology before taking his bike from the rack and setting off down the driveway, small tears of fear still dripping down her cheeks.

Band Aids || Mark LeeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon