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Eunbi had woken up a mere hour after falling asleep in the chair despite being incredibly tired. She hadn't slept in the entire time she had been held captive, and she didn't even know how long that had been, but her mind was playing tricks on her. His sickening smile wouldn't stop replaying in her head so she decided to find the exit and get some air. Her footsteps were light against the hardwood floors as she wandered, the only night coming from the end of the hall. When she reached the end there was a window that stretched from the ground to the ceiling and to her right was two grand doors.

Raising her non injured hand Eunbi gave them a gentle push before walking into the large room. The front door was to her left and two grand staircase sat to her left, another set of doors in front of her. Her curiosity peaked as she noticed the light slipping under the doors and she decided to look for herself. Opening the doors quietly she peaked through before entering. Judging by the counters and fridge, Eunbi guessed she was in the kitchen, which gave her a small reminder just how hungry she actually was. But seeing as it would be rude to go through the kitchen Eunbi deciding against it and instead went to go leave until someone spoke.

"Your still up?" Turning to the voice Eunbi saw a figure sitting on one of the chairs at an island off where the light didn't quite reach. Noticing her fright he quickly apologised. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" He came forward, glass of water still in hand as he gave her a warm smile.

"It's okay, I just didn't see you" Eunbi was quite happy to say she recognised the face as she had been wanting to thank him.

"Fair enough, I'm Yuta by the way"

"Thank you" Eunbi bowed to the elder man who's smile had dropped as a look of shock came across his face.

"Why?" He didn't move at all, staying leaned against the counter as he questioned her.

"You were the one who carried Mark out," she stopped bowing as she gave a meek smile, "So thank you"

Yuta was expecting the girl to remember it was him, usually the shock that accompanied those types of things made people forget stuff like that. He shot her a smile once again before walking to the fridge and pulling out an assortment of items before piecing together a sandwich and handing it to her.

"You must be hungry" Her hands came out to grab it as she thanked him, gently taking the bread in her good hand before taking a bite. They stood in silence for a while, but it wasn't uncomfortable, Eunbi actually felt rather at home. When she had finished her eyelids began to droop slightly as the tiredness quicker in. Yuta quickly noticed this and realised she wouldn't really know where to go seeing as it would probably be a little strange for her to just return to Marks bedside.

"You can sleep in the lounge if you want, the couches are actually really comfortable" He earned a small laugh and nod from the girl before he lead her to the lounge and grabbed a throw from the next couch before handing it to her. "Sleep well, I'm guessing you have a busy day tomorrow"

As he turned to walk away Eunbi quickly spoke in an almost inaudible whisper. "Thank you Yuta"

"No problem"

When Eunbi awoke the next morning, it was due to the clanging in the kitchen next door. Quickly sitting up Eunbi pulled the hair tie from her hair before realising how dirty her hair was. She really wanted to go home, to shower and to just be alone for a little while to process everything that had happened but she also didn't want to be without the protection of NCT. It was a strange concept to her, seeking protection from the very people who made it necessary, but she knew she didn't really have a choice anymore.

Pulling her hair up into a ponytail once more Eunbi set off to see what the noise was. Entering the kitchen she saw Mark, his bandages peaking out from the neck of his shirt, trying to do who knows what with one hand. Noticing the doors open Mark turned and shot Eunbi a smile before turning back to the stove.

"Good morning Eunbi"

Walking up beside him and looking at the pan she couldn't help but laugh at what looked like Marks attempt at eggs. "Good morning Mark, do you by any chance need some help?"

With a small sheepish smile Mark suggested that it might be for the better. Quickly washing her hands and taking over, small talk began as she waited for the eggs to cook properly before serving them into a plate and handing it to Mark with a piece of toast.

"So how are you feeling? Is your shoulder sore?" Eunbi was quite concerned as she gestured to his bandages.

"I'm fine, it'll heal quick" Mark stopped eating for a second before putting on a serious face and looking Eunbi in the eye. "I know you want to go home, but I don't think that's for the best right now. We thought we had wiped any connections between you and NCT but seeing as Hansol knew, a handful of others probably do as well"

A small pout formed on Eunbis lips as Mark spoke. She had kinda been expecting this to happen, but her forever optimistic personality had her wishing for the best.

"I'll have a discussion with Taeyong about what we can do from here on, but for know I can lend you some stuff and you can get cleaned up?" A sad smile and small nod was all Mark got in return and he was a little surprised at his thoughts of missing her smile. Quickly standing up and shaking them away he placed his dishes in the sink before telling Eunbi to wait there as he went to collect her some things. While she was waiting Eunbi decided to wash the plate Mark had dropped off. In the middle of doing so the doors opened again and she had expected to see Mark, but instead she saw Taeyong.

His eyes meet hers as he gave her a tired smile before walking to the fridge. He didn't look very good. Dark bags had formed under his eyes, his skin was rather pale and his movements seemed quite sluggish.

"Did you sleep well? I only realised late last night that I hadn't told you where you could sleep but when I came down you were already asleep on the couch" His words mindlessly brought a small smile to her lips as she worked. She wasn't really used to those kinds of small acts of kindness seeing as her household had always kind of been a little messy. Her mum was always the one that cared most about her and made sure there was always a smile on Eunbis face.

"Yuta told me it would be okay if I slept there, I hope I wasn't bothersome"

"You weren't" Taeyong went to making a cup of coffee before opening against the counter and watching her wipe down the table. "Thanks for cleaning but you really don't have to"

The doors opened again, this time revealing Mark holding a small pile of clothes and a towel. He greeted Taeyong before handing the clothing to Eunbi and directing her to the bathroom. Following his directions she walked down the hallway she had been in before being finding it. Making sure to lock the door she carefully undid the brace in her wrist and the bandages across her torso before hopping into the shower.

She was quite happy to finally get all of the remainder of blood and grim off her skin as she washed out her hair, making sure not to get any shampoo in her cuts. Stepping back out she got dressed into the clothes Mark had given her. It was sweats and a loose t shirt, but it was already a lot nicer than her dirty uniform. Patting her hair dry she pulled it back into a ponytail, her hands grazing over the scar on her neck.

It reminded her of Jeno's words, which in turn reminded her of school. How much had she missed? She still didn't know how long she had been help prisoner so she couldn't really tell. Making up her mind to ask Mark she went back towards the kitchen only to find it empty. However a large amount of noise was coming from the closed doors on the other side to the ones that lead to the lounge. Deciding to check if he was in there instead she opened the door only to end up with 15 pairs of eyes on her, finding she recognised more than she had wished too.

"Jeno? Jaemin?"

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