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Mark and Eunbi had laid down the guns when asked, Mark pulling Eunbi behind him protectively as they raised their hands. They were bound with handcuffs and blindfolded before being pulled through what seemed like a series of hallways. Eventually they stopped moving and were put in a room and tied back to back, hands connected with rope.

"Eunbi?" Marks voice was filled with worry as he jerked his head around in attempt to shake the blindfold off his eyes. "Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I'm okay" Her voice was shaky, in fact her whole body was shaking gently against Mark and it broke his heart.

"Okay, rope is easy to break, all we need is a rhythm, pull your arms towards you first alright?"

"Okay" Eunbi made a gentle pull towards herself, the pain in her wrist still present now that she was using it with strength. Sure enough Mark pulled back, her wrists following the motion u til they fell into a rhythm. It didn't last long however as Mark yanked the rope especially hard, tearing it enough to slip his hands out. He was quick to spin around and cup Eunbis cheeks in his hands, scanning her for any injuries.

"I said I was okay Mark" Mark finally let her go, sitting on his heels as he watched the girl slip her hands from the torn rope and lift them to her face to remove the blindfold. She was stopped however when the door was flung open once again, the guard looking confused at the situation for a moment before reaching for his gun.

Mark was quick to react however, swinging his leg out and knocking the guard over, pinning him to the ground with his hand placed around his neck. The man struggled against Marks grip before falling still, unconscious from the lack of air. Mark instantly went to grab the man's gun, clicking off the safety as he peeped out of the door. The whole ordeal had been relatively silent, Marks talents coming in handy as he saw the guards just down the hall still talking to one another carelessly.

"Have you still got your blindfold on?" Marks voice was quiet as he continued to watch the guards talk.

"Yes" before Eunbi could continue the guards noticed the door was still open and that their coworker had not returned, the men both pulling out their guns and beginning to walk over.

Mark leant back, taking a hold of the crouched girls wrist and pulling her close to him, whispering in her ear before placing her behind the door. "Promise me you won't take it off?"

The urgency in his voice made it clear enough to Eunbi that this was serious, so instead of prying as to why she had to she gave a quick nod before pressing her back against the wall. Mark had joined her there for the element of surprise even though the second the guards noticed the empty floor they would know he was either there or gone, but it was better than nothing.

Sure enough the guards entered the room and Mark sprung to action. He came around the door, lodging his gun into the man's stomach before pulling the trigger, the sound softened by its placement. The other guard went to grab Mark, his actions only slightly too slow as Mark took ahold of his wrist and flung him over his shoulder and onto the ground, the gun pressed to his head.

"Give me the keys" Marks voice held so much authority it would have been hard not to listen without the barrel of a gun pressed to your forehead. The man complied, pulling the keys from his chest pocket and handing them to the boy, a bullet in his head not long after.

"You can take it off now if you want" Eunbi gently pulled the fabric from her eyes, the three crumpled bodies on the floor immediately making her wish she didn't. Taking a deep breathe she toke a step over them, taking Marks outstretched hand and following him out the door, his gun at the ready.

"Well murder wasn't on today's agenda" Mark didn't look back as he spoke, but Eunbi did.

"I don't think it's ever on anyone's"

"No, it's on mine, just not till next Thursday" The sudden voice made the pair spin around, Eunbi taking a step behind Mark in habit. The red tinted hair was a welcomed sight, his smile even more so.

"What the Donghyuck how the hell did you get here so quick?" Marks words were amused as he lowered his gun, watching as the boy came closer.

"That would be Eunbis doing" Donghyuck took a gentle hold of the girls hand, pulling his fist apart to reveal the trackers and mics sitting in her palm. "And I must say, you've become quite smooth my friend"

Their little conversation was cut short as the door at the end of the hallway was flung open, people streaming in with guns drawn.

"Shit" Marks words weren't out of panic, more of a mild frustration as he lifted his gun once again, Donghyuck following suit. That didn't stop the people however, they keep coming forward knowing full well they hand the upper hand.

"This isn't good" Eunbis words were a mere mumble, but they still went heard by the boys.

"How can you tell? Is it the fact that they're slowly cornering us? And that they all have guns and knives and - oh wow does that guy have a machete?" Mark simply shot a glare at Donghyuck, cutting his rambling short. "Sorry I get sassy when I'm annoyed"

The sound of shattering glass suddenly rang through the hallway, a few strange objects landing with crashes against the flooring. It didn't take long for the boys to recognise them, both boys instantly pulling Eunbi against the nearest wall and bracing themselves, both semi covering the confused girl.

The confusion quickly left however when the objects exploded, screams of pain and loud crashes following it. Amidst the chaos, a face suddenly appeared through the window, bright smile plastered on his cheeks.

"You guys coming?" Jaemin seemed far too happy considering the fact he just blew up at least 50 people, but the boy still remained cheerful as he jumped back down, the rest following him out the window as the dust and smoke began to clear.

They were quickly ushered to a car, Yuta sitting in the drivers seat as they began to drive off. Eunbi perked up as she heard a familiar static in her ear before Tens voice streamed through.

"Well despite that not going exactly to plan, I would like to congratulate everyone on a successful mission" Marks eyes trailed to the girl next to him, his hand rested on her knee from where they had jumped in. He was reluctant to take it off, and she didn't seem to mind, so it continued to lay there.

"What do you mean?" The cold metal of her watch was pressed against Eunbis lips as she spoke, the mic picking up her words.

"The tracker you placed on that man worked, and it lead us to what I believe might be a headquarters for the Vixens" A smile quickly spread across her cheeks as she met Marks gaze, an excited sparkle in her eye.


"Really, congratulations Eunbi on your first successful solo mission" Her excitement couldn't be hidden as she turned to Mark, her hands moving frantically as she silently clapped to show her excitement.

"I did it Mark!" Mark only smiled at the girl as she continued to celebrate.

"You did"

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