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It was the next day when Eunbi was walking along the road that lead to her house that she decided to stop at the convenience store to get a cold drink, seeing as it was particularly hot that day. When she entered she exchanged smiles with the owner, whom she had known ever since she had began walking to school when she was young.

It came as a shock to the girl when loud yelling echoed throughout the store and a group of large men with guns stormed in. She quickly hid behind a display, scanning the area for a hiding spot. When she noticed the gap between the wall display and the actual wall she decided it was her bet and slowly crawled in its direction.

Her journey was cut short however when she was suddenly pulled off the floor by her collar and held in a chokehold.

"I SAID WHERE ARE THEY" They men were yelling at the store owner who seemed very confused.

"Where are who!"

"NCT, WE KNOW YOU KNOW THEM" A look of pure terror crossed the store owners face. As far as Eunbi knew, NCT was a powerful gang in Seoul.

"TELL US OR WE WILL KILL THE GIRL" Eunbis eyes widen at his words, hoping to Hell he was joking, but the gun that was suddenly pressed against her temple proved otherwise.

"I don't know where they are!"

"5" The man holding me began to count down.

"I mean it I don't kn-"


Suddenly one of the men that was up with the owner fell to the floor with blood pooling around him. With what little air she had left, a scream left her lips as she watched in terror as more shots were fired and more people fell.

"Put your weapons down and we won't shoot!" Eunbi found the voice cold and intimidating, and it seemed the men with guns did too seeing as they dropped them pretty quick. The gun didn't leave Eunbis head though, it stayed firmly pushed up against her right temple.

Yet another group of men with guns entered, though this time there were only about 5 of them. Scanning the area, one of the newcomers noticed Eunbis situation. With a small nudge of his elbow, the man who stood in the front turned and sighed.

"DROP YOUR GUNS OR ILL SHOOT THE GIRL" He was yelling right into Eunbis ear which caused her to squirm once again.

"This is a matter between us, let's not include civilians alright?" The man in front moved a few steps closer but Eunbi's captor didn't move.

"I SAID DROP THE GUNS" Eunbi wasn't expecting much, so she squeezed her shut and waited for the click of a trigger. Instead the clatter of a gun hitting the floor echoed throughout the store. Eunbi opened her eyes to see who the kind soul was. It was a black haired boy, his gun was by his feet and his hands were held above his head.

The man in the front turned, fury clear on his face as he glared at the boy. The black haired boy said something she couldn't hear and the pink haired man in the front sighed before dropping his gun, raising his hands above his head as the rest followed suit. The gun shifted ever so slightly from her head as her captor laughed.

"So this," he stopped, finally releasing her from his chokehold, making Eunbi gasp for breath and hold her neck where his arm had just been. Her hair was suddenly pulled as she was turned towards the man as he read her name tag, "Chae Eunbi means a lot to NCT's ace aye?"

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