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It didn't feel natural to Eunbi to be standing outside of a fence in the middle of a run down area with a gun tucked into the waistband of her jeans, a switchblade in her boot - but nether did sitting around while others were risking their lives, so this option seemed a little better. It was falling dark now, the sun halfway past the horizon, and the torch in her hand was currently turned off to not draw attention.

As dumb as it had seemed to her, they had split up into teams of two so that they could all enter through different ways, making sure no one escaped. Mark with Haechan, Jeno with Jaemin, Jisung with Chenle, and Renjun and herself.

"You nervous?" Renjun seemed generally concerned as he watched Nabi readjust the gun for the umpteenth time in the last minute.

"Yes" It was probably a little to straight forward but Eunbi knew she wasn't exactly hiding it, her body language was as easy to read as a book.

"Good. Nerves keep you on your toes, keep your senses on high alert. Being nervous is better than being calm in these situations" Renjun shot her a smile before his eyes suddenly darted to the doorway which had just opened, his hand moving to his gun instinctively as he spoke into the mic on his watch.

"Doorway four, Asian male, glasses, buzz cut, approximately 5'7, brown briefcase" Eunbi was a little confused at why he had given a description but didn't doubt him due to the fact he was a lot more experienced than her. Her eyes followed the man as he walked, his steps almost clumsy as he tried to pull the keys from his pocket.

"No threat, try and establish whether he is a customer so I can add him to a list" Tens voice coming through the earpiece felt unnatural, but she ignored to to keep analysing the man. He suddenly turned, spinning in their direction, causing both Renjun and her to tuck themselves further into the shrubs along the fence line. He continued to spin however, looking around frantically before trying to get his keys out faster. He gave up after a few moments however, angrily hitting the car in front of him. Putting pieces together in her mind it finally clicked, and she lifted the watch on her left wrist to her south as she pressed the button to speak.

"He's high" Eunbi felt hyperaware of Renjuns eyes on her as she spoke, as well as the fact the other boys could hear her. She was hoping she was right.

"How do you know?" It was Mark who spoke this time, his voice sounding deeper through the ear piece.

"He's stumbling around, can't walk straight, looks to be paranoid and irritable" The small taps of a keyboard we heard from the background before what sounded like Tens hand closed around his mic, his muffled talking to someone else following before he spoke again.

"Taeil suspects Cocaine, try and get a photo of you can, establishing a list of customers would be helpful"

Renjun kicked into action quickly, hoping the fence soundlessly before pulling a mission phone from his pocket. They were specially issued for missions so there would be no information on them should they fall into someone else's hands. Clicking a few photos before sending them to Ten, Renjun turned to the fence, beckoning for her to hop over as well.

As much as she hated to admit it, Eunbi had been raised in the city and never jumped a fence, let alone this high of one where she had to be silent. Hoping for the best she hooked her foot into the wiring before pulling herself up, climbing up before grabbing the top bar and swinging her legs over. She was hesitant to jump, seeing as landing would seemingly be a painful matter, and Renjun seemed to notice moving closer and holding out his arms. It took all of her trust in her classmate to jump, but sure enough he caught her quite easily before swiftly setting her on her feet and inching forward again.

Eunbi moved forwards too, crouching down and blending into dark shrub as she watched the car drive away. Her hand moved to her ear, pushing the earpiece further in just to check it had survived the jump" Her hair was swirling around her head, the ponytail not doing the best job at keeping it out of her face due to its length.

Taeils voice echoed through her head as she readjusted the hair tie. "Its Song Jinyoung, you did a good getting a clear picture"

"Song Jinyoung? The CEO?" Jeno sounded rather surprised as he spoke, then his tone changed to disappointment. "I thought I had all his info pinned, but I didn't know he was a drug addict"

Marks voice cut through the line, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "Check your times, and get ready. We move in at 10"

Eunbis eyes went to the watch on her wrist, her heart stopping in realisation. It was 9:57. Looking to Renjun to confirm the plan, her hand moving to the butt of the gun for comfort. She had protection, in both the form of weapons and the boy beside her.

"Jisung and Chenle are guarding the exits, making sure no one leaves as we do our things. There should be no one on the first floor, so as soon as we clear it we head upstairs to clear it as well before meeting Jeno and Jaemin on the stairwell to the third floor. Jaemin should have already set the bomb on the first floor, so we just have to clear the third floor and get the documents from the main office on that floor. By the time we are out, Mark and Haechan should have eliminated the head and gotten all the information we need" He voice was shaky as she recited it, he nerves becoming strong enough to cause her to shake. Renjuns had took hers as he shook it gently for comfort before releasing it and looking at his watch.

Copying his actions Eunbi waited for the digits to switch. Sure enough the time hit 10 and Tens spoke the words.


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