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Eunbi was almost heartbroken to see the boys whom she used to consider innocent sitting in the dining room of a gangs HQ. It disturbed her more that there were people even younger at the table as well, seeing as her underclassmen Chenle and Jisung we just a few seats down. Jeno offered a small wave before motioning for her to sit in the empty seat in between himself and Mark. She decided to just go with it hoping that she would get an explanation soon enough. What she wanted an explanation for left undecided though seeing as she couldn't quite figure out which answers she wanted more. Was it why she couldn't leave, why she was a target, or why her friends were there.

"I know you aren't really sure what's going on right now, and I'm sure you want answers, but we can't tell you much yet" It was Taeyong who spoke, his demeanour looking very serious as his crossed arms lay on the table. "But we can tell you that the news of your so called connection had spread further than we thought and that you are no longer safe"

"Well that's comforting" Eunbis whispered remark went unheard as all attention sat on Taeyong who looked rather conflicted.

"We don't have many options and have come to a decision" It was almost like the air in the room changed at that moment, from calm to tense. Everyone in the rooms eyebrows were furrowed and many simply stared at their hands to avoid eye contact. It made Eunbi scared, if there was something a gang wasn't willing to discuss it must be a somewhat heavy subject. Mark noticed Eunbis hands beginning to shake where they lay on her lap under the table and carefully slipped his hand over to take a hold of one, hoping to calm her at least a little.

"We would like to offer you become a member of NCT"

At Taeyongs comment Eunbis eyes shot to meet his, herd glazing over with panic. "What do you mean? You want me to join NCT" Her shock was to be expected, her tears weren't. "Isn't there another way? I never wanted to join a gang"

Mark watched as the tears pooling in her eyes finally spilled over and trailed down her cheeks, and for some reason it felt as though a part of him broke watching it. Passing it off as guilt for getting her involved in the first place Mark spoke up in place of Taeyong.

"We discussed it throughly, and any other means would be too dangerous" The feeling only hit him harder when she turned to him, her hand slipping from his as she pleaded with him through her eyes.

"You don't have too" Taeyong spoke again, his voice much softer this time. "But it would be a lot safer for you and your family" At the mention of family Eunbi let out her first audible sob as she buried her face in her hands. Everyone in the room had looked away by now apart from Mark and Taeyong. All of them knew what it was like to receive this offer, but none of them under the circumstances Eunbi had. It took a little while for Eunbis tears to stop flowing as she calmed herself down before finally looking up and putting on a brave face.

"My family will be safe if I do it right?" Her voice was shaky, not at all living up to what she had hoped it to.

"Safer, Yes"

"Then I'll do it"

Nothing really happened for the rest of the day, just Taeyong explaining to Eunbi what she had signed up for and the rules and Mark trailing behind, making sure she was okay. It was that night after the tour Mark had given her of the building when he took her up to the second floor where all the bedrooms were and opened a door to a room she was not told who owned. It was rather empty at first glance. A bed in the corner and a desk in the other, a few empty shelves on the wall.

"This is your room now I guess" A small smile crossed Eunbis face for the first time when she noticed the small picture frame on the desk which held a photo of a very young looking Mark and Taeyong. Carefully picking it up to look closer Eunbi noticed the difference between the photo and the boy standing in front of her now. Not only had he changed physically, but the gleam his eyes held in the photo seemed long forgotten. It was almost as if he'd seen too much bad to have such an innocent aspect to him.

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