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Mark was still asleep with his head in a Eunbis lap, her fingers playing with his hair as she admired the boys sleeping figure. It wasn't until Donghyuck strolled into the room and noticed the pair with a loud laugh did the boy wake.

"I was wondering where you two had ended up" Instead of feeling bad for interrupting Donghyuck strolled to his desk, falling into his seat as he watched Mark sit up with a glare.

"What brings you here Donghyuck?" Eunbi couldn't help the shiver that ran down her back as she heard Marks voice, low and raspy due to being just awoken.

"Work" Donghyuck spun around his chair, legs and arms extended as he laughed. "This is my office too lover boy"

Mark ignored the younger teasing as he turned back to Eunbi. She was still sitting where she had been when he had fallen asleep, except now she had brought her legs up to her chest as she rested her head upon them

"Sorry about that" Mark didn't need to apologise, he had barely been out half and hour, and that time was spent well as Eunbi memorised his every feature.

Eunbi was about to respond when Donghyuck beat her too it. "By the way Taeyong wants you two downstairs for a meeting in," the boy stopped, looking st the watch strapped to his wrist before looking back at the pair. "2 minutes ago"

Needless to say the pair was now sprinting down the hallway to the staircase that lead to the main floor, the only slow part of their journey was the staircase from the top floor, which Eunbi had struggled to get up in the first place let alone leap down like Mark had. When they entered the meeting room, everyone was gathering and they received stares, but they were anything but mean, almost curious.

"Perfect, now let's begin" It was Ten who had spoken, Taeyong sitting in a seat near the front instead of where Ten stood. Eunbi quickly took a seat with Mark, Doyoung to her right.

"To state the obvious" Ten deadpanned As he spoke, almost as if angry at himself. "We were tricked, first by the invasion location, then by the minor attack, then the warehouse, and then finally our very own HQ"

The boys who had not gone with unit U looked deathly confused as Ten spoke, and noticing that Ten elaborated. "The location we were given by an insider was a fake, nothing but a damn note with a oh so lovely message on it. 'Fuck You'. How lovely"

Ten quickly picked up a marker before spinning back around to face the map, circling a place in the middle of the city.

"This is Vintem Casino, a club and casino combination. Truly atrocious really. But it is where some big members of the Vixens meet up often. We need to send someone in to place both a tracker and a mic on two suspected members, possibly on a third if he shows, but it isn't likely"

"No" Marks words came from absolutely no where as he stood, hands firmly against the table. Taeyong was quick to follow suit, raising to his full height before meeting the boys eyes.

"Mark I don't like this just as much as you but-"

"No" The sternness of his voice came as a shock to all the members placed around the table. The two men barely fought, and they had never seen Mark be so rude to the older boy either.

"You can stay with-"

Just as Mark was about to speak again Yuta stood up and held both his hands out to stop them. "How bout you tell us what you don't agree with Mark, then we can help you"

"He wants to send Eunbi in" Eunbi watched wide eyed as all the boys suddenly joined together with a chorus of horrified no's directed at Taeyong and Ten.

"It's our best shot, they know all our faces now, but not Eunbis" The argument didn't die down for a while, nor did anyone listen when Eunbi had tried to speak. It was about her, but her opinion didn't seem to matter.

"SHUT UP" It was the first time any of them had seen the girl yell, her hands slamming against the wood of the table as she finally stood, glaring at anyone who dared talk. "As long as there is no violence involved I'm okay with it"

The girl fell back into her seat, her arms crossed against her chest as she stared directly in front of her, which happened to be dead into the eyes of the only remaining sitting member, but Taeil was quick to look away, her gaze far too scary for the man.

Like Eunbi had expected, she wasn't alone. With her was NCT 127, which was why Donghyuck hadn't come to the meeting. He was forging IDs for both himself and Eunbi so that they could enter the casino with no questions asked. As she sat in the lounge waiting for the other members to finish gearing up, Ten came to sit in front of her.

He gently took ahold of Eunbis hand, placing a few small items in it before letting go. "These are your trackers and mics. The square ones are the trackers, mics are round" He stood, heading back to his office to provide the in ear guidance for the mission. Eunbis own earpiece was tucked into her ear, hidden by her hair which was left down for the first time in a while. It was rather long now, seeing as she hadn't had the time to get it cut, so the pitch black locks tumbled down to her lower back.

She was pleased to find that despite the fact she was going to a high grade casino, she wouldn't be dressed in the flashy dresses and outfits the other girls were, instead she was dressed in a high necked, black silk dress that reached her thighs. It hugged her torso before cinching at her waist and turning into the skirt. It's long sleeves were tight against her skin, but the material made it easy to move. Her heels however did not. They were black pumps that laced across the front, and the heels was rather high in attempt to make her seem taller.

It was after Ten had left that the other boys entered, Mark coming in around mid way through, his eyes widening slightly as she stood and walked towards them. After the boys caught sight of her they began to smile, Taeyong stepping forward first to acknowledge her.

"You look lovely, and most importantly not like a minor" This set the group of laughing, Eunbi included as she took the purse from Donghyuck that contained the her ID. The boys looked dashing as well, all dressed up in suits, weapons cleverly hidden under jackets and in sleeves.

"You remember the plan?" Johnny smiled at her when she nodded, reciting it under her breath.

"Find one, get him one on one, stick on the devices, ditch him and then repeat"

"Perfect" The boys headed out the door on Taeyongs command, only Mark staying behind to walk With Eunbi after noticing her struggle with the gravel of the drive way and her heels. He held out his arm, which Eunbi held onto without a second thought as they walked to the car they would be travelling in. It wasn't a gang van, instead a sports car to help avoid unneeded suspicion. As nice as the car was though, the gun strapped to her upper thigh made the entire trip uncomfortable.

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