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While the other members stayed awake to move out the bodies and clean up the mass amount of blood that seemed to be everywhere, Eunbi had been sent to bed after visiting Jeno. He had been incredibly thankful, his pain now bearable thanks to some meds.

But it was when Eunbi lay in her bed staring at her ceiling did she fully process what she had done. She had felt so guilty ever since her first mission over the fact she had taken a life, but tonight she had saved one. And she suddenly didn't feel so bad about the amount of corpses down stairs, and she fell asleep the quickest she had in weeks.

Eunbi was woken the next morning by the light streaming in through her windows, but for once it wasn't so hard for her to get up. Instead Eunbi got ready quickly, only stopping when she had gone to remove her pyjamas shirt and noticed that there was a note stuck to her forehead.

"What the hell?" Gently pulling the tape off her skin Eunbi turned the note so she could read it beofre bursting out laughing. Trust Mark.

'Meet me in the basement when you wake up'

Finishing getting changed Eunbi quickly darted down the stairs, straight past the shattered windows and down the steps to the basement, yellow note in hand. Mark looked up when he heard footsteps on the stairs, and a small smile pulled at his lips as he saw Eunbi.

"Did you get my note?"

"Of course I got it, you taped it to my forehead while I was sleeping" Eunbi laughed as she held up the slip of paper, watching as Marks cheeks reddened in embarrassment.

"I, uh, I didn't mean for it to be creepy"

"So why did you call me down here?" Mark suddenly straightened up a little, remembering that he did indeed have a reason.

"I'm going to teach you how to properly shoot a gun"

"Better late than never I guess"

And that's how they spent the better part of the morning shooting at the targets with Mark correcting her stance and technique every so often. It was when Eunbi had missed for the umpteenth time that Mark decided to call NCT's own sharpshooter down to help. It backfired though, and after only 20 minutes of Sicheng kindly adjusting her aim and talking her through things she was hitting the target at least once every 3 shots.

"You don't really strike me as a professional criminal Sicheng, your too nice" Eunbi watched as the boy calmly readjusted her aim once again, his patience still somehow intact.

"That's what makes me so good at it"

Eventually the trio decided to call it a day for the shooting but before Mark could walk back up the stairs, Eunbi gently took ahold of his wrist and spun him back round to face her.

"Thank you Mark, I really appreciate the help" Mark watched as the girl smiled, her eyes sparkling as they stared into his, and his heart skipped a beat.

"It's no problem, after all you need all the help you can get" Eunbis smile dropped as she gasped at him before stepping back and raising her fists.

"Fight me Mark Lee" Mark couldn't help but laugh as she bounced from one foot to the other, fists still raised.

"You are like 5 feet tall Chae Eunbi, am I'm 5'8 and weigh 52kgs, you will not win this fight"

"FIGHT ME ANYWAYS" Soon Marks laughter was accompanied by another as Johnny fell to his knees at the bottom of the stairs, tears in his eyes from laughing at the situation.

"Your only 5 foot?" Johnny had barely managed to talk through his laughter as he rose to his full height.

"I'm 5'1 actually" Eunbi let her fists drop as she pouted, once again making Marks heart skip a beat. Deciding to take action, he walked behind the girl before ducking under her and lifting her up on his shoulder, her head now standing taller than Johnny's.

"We win Jonny, surrender now while you still have a chance" The shock of being lifted from the ground had made Eunbi instinctively take a hold of Marks head, her hands gripping his hair ever so slightly as she began to laugh.

"Anyway" As Mark lowered Eunbi back to the ground Johnny started to speak once more, "I came down here to get you for lunch"

The dining room was all cleaned up now, the chairs tucked neatly in and the table wiped of any blood that had spilled onto it the night before. They boys had already started eating when they entered, all in different conversations with various members. Eunbi quickly took a seat beside Donghyuck at the end of the table, leaving Mark to sit next to Taeil a little further down.

Mark zoned out as he ate, the only things slipping through were the occasional jokes made by the members. Eunbi however was immersed in the conversation laughing as she watched Sicheng 'sneak' fries from Yuta plate as Yuta talked to Ten.

"Sicheng" Yutas voice caused the accused to freeze, his hand still hovering above Yutas plate. "Id die for you, Id kill for you, and if you take another one of my damn fries I'll just plain kill you"

Mark watched as Eunbi laughed at the boys, her smile getting wider after Sicheng looked at her with pleading eyes to get her to help him. She was immersed in the conversation, and he was immersed in her. She was uncharacteristically okay after last nights events, and it left him rather unsettled. So he decided to ask her about it.

Eunbi was a little nervous to say the least when Mark had asked to talk to her in his office, but when they got there Eunbi realised she wasn't in any sort of trouble when he gently pulled her into a hug.

"You doing okay?" His voice was gentle and comforting as he ran circles on her back.

"Yes" Eunbi was confident in her answer this time, as she knew she had done something good for the first time since joining NCT, and she hadn't done anything bad while doing so. She was okay today, and maybe she wasn't yesterday, maybe she won't be tomorrow, but she was today. And that's all that mattered to her as she nuzzled her face into Marks neck, past the rim of his hoodie so that their skin was touching, and she felt her heart speed up.

Marks however, stopped for a moment. Holding Eunbi in his arms had been something he had yearned for ever since they had fallen asleep on the couch, and he could feel his cheeks begin to burn at the contact. Eventually the split up, but they ended up on the small couch pressed against the back wall, Mark holding some paperwork he had yet to finish as his head lay in Eunbis lap as she ran her fingers through his hair soothingly. And he was lulled to sleep in the pure bliss of her presence.

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