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The next morning was normal for Eunbi. She got ready and opened the door ready to walk to school for another day she was shocked to see Haechan awkwardly frozen with his finger hovering over the doorbell.

"Good morning?" It came out as more of a question than a greeting as Eunbi spoke but the awkward atmosphere quickly dissipated when Haechan began to mock her.

"You look like a zombie" He was already walking away when Eunbi realised why he was here.

"So you're the person Mark sent to 'accompany me when I'm in public'?"

"That's seriously how he phrased it? That boy has no charm" The smaller Girl laughed as she caught up with Haechan and began to match his pace.

"Thank you by the way" Haechan quickly sent her a confused look before she elaborated. "You made the shot to stop me from going who knows where with that man yesterday"

"Ah, yeah" With the nonchalant attitude he usually has he casually pulled back Eunbis hair to reveal the neat bandaging she had done the night before. "That looks neater than Marks crapped attempt so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you redid it"

"You would be correct"

Eunbi found herself enjoying the company on her walk to school. It walk itself wasn't long, around 15 minutes, but walking it in silence made it last forever. Though the response when she arrived at school was less than appreciated. Haechan wasn't amazingly popular as he and his group weren't overly talkative to people not in their group, but seeing as they were all visuals, they definitely weren't not popular.

The gossip started immediately, first it was that they must be friends, then it turned into a relationship, and then it turned into the, living together, which, of course was far off the mark. But who would expect naive schoolgirls to guess that Haechan was in fact walking her to school due to the risk of her being killed or taken due to his gang.

A few days passed with that routine, Haechan walked to to and from school. What surprised her is that no one in his little group was surprised at all when she arrived with him. Eunbi shrugged it off guessing that he had used a cover story or something. Sitting with her group at lunch she of course was bombarded with questions seeing as she still hadn't told them why she was getting special treatment from Haechan due to the fact she was scared her cover story wouldn't be the same as the one Haechan had told his group.

"If your not going to tell us, at least skip one day off walking home with him to come to karaoke with us!" It was Seojin who got all excited about a new karaoke place opening, but none of us had been free since then and now it was a few months old. Despite that, Seojin still wanted us all to go so we were slowly making plans.

"Okay Okay, I'll just ask my brother okay?" With happy nods from all the girls she quickly pulled out her phone and pulled up Marks contact. They had only texted a few times, mainly with Mark wanting to know if Haechan was to much of a pain in the ass and if he should send someone else instead.

Hey Mark, I was wondering if it's okay for me to go to karaoke with my friends tonight?

It was very strange that she felt the need to ask but with all that was going on she felt it was for the best he knew where she was.


So after school she went with her friends and basically spent more time laughing than singing due to Seojin's out of tune screeching.

Deciding to take a break and go splash her face with some to calm down Eunbi stood and went to the door. "I'm going to use the bathroom, be back soon"

As soon as she exited the room she scanned the hallway out of paranoia, after all Marks words still stuck in her head. With only a waiter in sight she decided it was safe and started walking to where the bathrooms were. Unfortunately, due to it being her first time here, she got a little lost. Noticing the sign above her head saying bathrooms with an arrow, she realised she had walked right past them. Turning around she caught sight of the same waiter, which shouldn't have been weird seeing as they have free roam and was probably just heading in the same direction as her, but the second she turned to face him he turned away.

Brushing it off as a creepy coincidence she enters the bathroom, splashing her face and cleaning off the  little mascara smudge her doing so had caused. Walking back out she saw the same waiter once again, this time hiding partially behind a wall, blocking her entrance to the corridor her karaoke room was down. With fear building up in her stomach she quickly went to pull out phone only to find her pocket empty. Her fear becoming terror as she realised she had left both her phone and bag in the room she decided to instead just walk away, hoping he wouldn't follow.

Of course she was wrong and as she took a few steps down in the other direction he stood and began to follow. Upping her speed slightly she headed for the lobby, ultimately deciding to just leave her stuff with her friends knowing they would drop it off to her house or give it to her at school. As she entered the lobby her fear only heightening when the guy following her made some sort of signal to the man behind the counter before pointing towards her.

Tears slowly began to form in her eyes as she looked around desperate for an escape, but there was nothing she could do.

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