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I stood there FULL of anger and ready to slap that stupid ass look on his face. You know the one when niggas act they don't see shit, squint their eyes a little and throw their hands up? Yeah.. that one.

"Ima ask you one mo' fuckin time Jamal Amir Thompson, whose fucking panties are these?" I said sternly...

He held his hand down in defeat, like a lil ass boy instead of facing me and telling me how it is.

I didn't need a verbal answer, I threw on my clothes and picked up my bag. He put on his boxers and beat me to the door blocking it.

"Get the fuck out of the way Jamal." I said
"Baby, please... it was a mistake. She didn't mean anything, I can't lose you. You mean the world to me, I fucked up and I can't take it back but It will never happen again" he pleaded and got down on his knees, looking at me with those dark brown eyes I loved.

"Who was she?!" I said Looking into his eyes for the answer.

"It doesn't matter, she doesn't matter. The only thing that matter is you, I promise."

I looked away and felt a tear rolling down my cheek. I wasn't trying to let him see me cry, I was trying to be strong and get the fuck away from him quick, fast, and in a mfn hurry.

He went to grab my hand, but I snatched it back and mushed his face.
"You said this same shit 2 fucking years ago, and going against everyone that knew about it... I disregarded their opinion and chose to stay and dedicate myself to you. Looks like you couldn't even do the same thing. You say shit and don't even mean it! Well I'm giving you what you really wanted. IM DONE! Go chase after the bitch you had in here." I got by him and left. I didn't drive, so I called an Uber and sat on the stairs outside of the complex.

30 minutes passed by and that fuck ass Uber driver STILL hadn't shown up, I didn't feel like calling either of my brothers or Nessa because I didn't feel like explaining why I was so upset and emotional... "Fuck it, I'll just walk." I said under my breath.

Shedding a few tears, I thought to myself, this nigga didn't even come out to follow me, all he did was give that lame ass excuse.. thinking I was gonna forgive him. He had the wrong woman. I guess he confused me with the bitches he had been creeping around with.

Thinking about all the pain Jamal was putting me through reminded me of when I lost my mother. I felt tears rushing down my face and I quickly wiped them away. I was tired of crying, tired of going through this pain, and most of all tired of losing people that meant the world to me.

I was close to campus and could see my residence hall, I checked my phone for the 20th time and seen I was getting another call from Jamal. I declined and seen a car pulling up slowly out the corner of my eye.

"Hey Beautiful, why the long face?" I heard the man say. I kept walking, I wasn't in the mood for any nigga and his wack ass pick up lines.

He drove beside me walking and continued to try and talk to me. "Sweetheart are you okay?"

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. Hopefully that would give him the message that I'm not in the mood for anyone.

He looked back at me with a confused face, usually I wasn't so rude; but I had just broke up with the man I thought I could trust, and be with for forever.

All of a sudden he stopped his car and put the gear in Park. I kept walking not wanting to hear whatever else he had to say, why couldn't he just leave me alone?

He caught up to me and grabbed my arm gently,
"Hey Pretty Lady, what's wrong?" He said

He had chocolate skin, and was as fine as wine. His low haircut with waves put a beach to shame. When he walked up to me, his scent reminded me of the man that just tore my heart to pieces for the second time.

As soon as he grabbed me I snatched my arm away. "Don't touch me!" I said.

"I'm sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you were crying, And as pretty as you are; I had to try and make you smile." He said.
He flashed a charming smile, and looked at me with sympathy.

"Thank you but no thank you." I said walking away.
I didn't care to look back because that's where I was leaving all men, behind me. It was time to focus on Kaidyn and make sure she was happy.
Kind of short, I know... next chapter will be longer

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