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Kaidyn, Nessa, Jamal, and King in M.M.

Sleep was almost the best medicine for me when I was stressed or going through something. I woke up to Nessa playing "Fire & Desire" by Drake and wand curling her hair. I knew she was going out because she had her makeup spread out on her desk. I checked my phone and it was 7:38p.m. I had 3 texts.

K.O. 👨🏽😎: Yo , sis you good?
226-745-0987: Hey shawty, hope you decide to come tonight.
Keenan 🤞🏽😂: Hey sis, I hope you're doing okay, haven't heard from you in a while. -One

I texted my brothers Keenan and K.O. back but left Jamal on seen. This man was persistent but he was too late. I was tired of giving in and settling for the same shit time and time again.

I went to the bathroom and peed, washed my hands and came out. Nessa was applying her makeup, she was much better at it than me. I didn't like putting on too much. I was rocking with Alicia Keys and her natural movement... but occasionally I would put a dab of product on my face.

I was about to climb back in bed and watch "Greenleaf" on Netflix, but before my ass touched my bed Nessa said, "Uh uh, get ya ass up, my best friend not about to stay in here and mope around while I shake my ass."
I looked at her, "Girl, I'm not moping, I'm just more of a  "Stay in the House" type of female."

"Well tonight you gonna be a "get up and shake that ass" type of female. Have some fun and forget about Jamal's played out ass."

I pouted, "i don't even have anything to wear." I lied, I had clothes I hadn't even took the tag off of, but it was an excuse that I thought would work.

She used her wand and pointed to the outfit Jamal had just gifted me. "I think you have the perfect outfit. Look, I get it Kai... Jamal was your first... but it's time to move on. He's proven to you time and time again that he can't be the man you want or need him to be. You about to graduate in 3 months, it's time to celebrate all of the barriers you've overcome to get to this point." She said.

I smiled, she was right. I had overcome a lot over the past 4 years... I had lost my mother, struggled with my classes, and dealt with Jamal's bullshit. It was time that I started enjoying life.
"Fine, I'll go... where is this party?"
"It's at club Diamond, and it's Friday so you know it's gon' be lit." Nessa said.
"Ooo, I've never been inside there, what should I wear?!"
She pointed at the outfit Jamal bought me, "Wear the shit that nigga bought you and put it to use. Attract a few niggas, you're lucky I can't fit it or you'd be looking in that closet." She laughed.

"You tried my shit on bitch?"
"Hell yeah, shit if you was gonna jus toss it, I could've tossed it on for the night. Yo ass just a bit bigger than mine." She said and
I playfully showed off my ass, lets see how tonight goes 🙄

I sat in the Shakou waiting on my baby to show up. I know I hadn't shown her the love she deserved but that was all going to change.

It was 7:57 pm and I was starting to feel like a child who's father never came to get 'em. I shot her a text that said I hope she planned on coming, maybe she was just running a little late.

I waited 30 minutes in that fucking restaurant looking like a damn fool. I had dressed up, which is something I never really did. I was really pulling off the works for this mf and she hadn't even shown up. I had planned on giving her a promise ring, and ending the night with some sexual healing.

"Mr. Thompson, did you want the check now?" The waiter asked.
I looked up and gave her a look that said get the fuck on. I was pissed, Kai was really over me... or she was really trying to prove a point.
The waiter hurriedly walked away, I chose to wait five more minutes just in case she showed up...

CTRLOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora