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1 month later


I had just got to my brother's house and was tired as hell. I had a long day in my store. I had to set up all of the clothing racks, take inventory, and hang the clothes up. I needed help, and fast. Tomorrow I would be calling possible candidates in for interviews so they could help me out.

"Who is this K.O.?!?" a dark skinned woman asked as she came downstairs in a tight ass dress, her hair was fucked up so I figured this was one of K.O.'s jump offs.

K.O. came from out of his room and said, "That's my sister, now get on."

I scoffed at her and bumped her shoulder when we passed each other. These bitches had a lot of nerve.

She rolled her eyes and kept walking.

I had to get out of this mf, I felt like a burden on K.O. he wasn't able to have privacy. And quite honestly, I wasn't no little girl anymore. I told him that after I graduated I would find a place to stay, but I didn't want to use his money so as soon as I saved up enough money, I would get my own shit.

K.O. gave me a lot, and for once I wanted to prove to myself and him that I could supply for myself. I didn't want him or nay other man to think I was a gold digger or a leech. I could make my own money and splurge just like them.

I went upstairs and laid in my bed just thinking about the store and the final touched needed before the grand opening.

I heard a knock at the door and looked over.

K.O. was standing there, "My bad sis.. I ordered Chinese for us tonight."

"It's cool, I just need to hurry up and open the store so I can move out." I sighed

"Sis, don't feel pressured.. take ya time. You know you always welcome here."

"I know, but everybody has their own place. I need mine." I said getting up

"Aight, until then go eat yo food." He said playfully punching my arm.

"Aight, Aight. Don't make me whoop yo ass nigga"

"You aint gon do shit" He said laughing

We both walked downstairs and went into the kitchen. As soon as I smelled the shrimp fried rice, I felt the urge to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I had ate earlier. K.O. held my hair back while holding his nose and looking away.

"Sis, wtf" K.O. said

I continued to throw up and held onto the toilet for support.

"Yo, do you need to go to the hospital?!" he said

I wiped my mouth, and flushed the toilet. "No, its just that shrimp fried rice. I don't know why I threw up."

K.O. gave me a look like, ah hellll nah, "Sis, you and King been....?" he said humping the air

I blushed and looked away.

"KAIIIIIII!" he yelled "You better hope yo ass aint pregnant. That would be some shit."

"I cant be, I took a plan B. There's no possible way."

"Yeah, aight." he said walking off

I went upstairs and brushed my teeth in my bathroom, my appetite was gone. I spent the night texting King, he was at a meeting at the warehouse. One night he told me what he really did for a living and I was mad asl. I didn't want to be with another drug dealer. I was over that lifestyle but he told me about his plan of getting out and settling down.. after a few days of the cold shoulder; I accepted it and hoped things went according to his plan.

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