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I yelled out to the crowd to call 911, Kai had just been shot twice, and the only thing on my mind was making sure she made it through.

I ran to her and sat next to her body. I tried to feel for a pulse but I wasn't no damn doctor... I didn't even know if I was feeling for the pulse in the right spot. I pressed on her wound and applied pressure to it, I saw this in all the hood movies, and I thought it was the right thing to do.

I couldn't believe this shit was happening, I tried calling her name and telling her everything would be ok, but I was really saying the shit to calm my damn self down.

I yelled again, "Call the muthafuckin ambulance, all you bitches standing around, this aint no goddamn movie."

Then a tall ass man ran over to me, this was the same mf who was talking earlier. He told his boys to clear the club and called the ambulance.

A few minutes had passed and they still weren't here...

"Where are they?!" I said panicking and pacing back and forth.

"I don't know. Ace bring my car around!" He said looking frustrated and moved me out the way and carried Kai to the entrance of the club and I was hot on his heels.

As soon as we got outside the club Ace pulled up in an all white Audi, and he placed Kai in the backseat. I ran around to the other side and sat in the back while he got in the drivers seat and skirted off.

We were about 10 minutes from the hospital, and I was praying that we made it in time for Kai's sake.


I know we haven't talk to each other in a while... a bitch, I mean ya girl been a lil busy. You know my professor Dr. Smith been trying me with them papers... but that's a convo we can have another time. I promise, if you get us to the hospital and spare Kai's life.. I'll uh.. I'll download that Bible app and read a scripture a day and talk to you more. Just please God...


When I opened my eyes, I looked out the window and noticed that we were about a block away from the hospital. We were coming up on a red light, and this nigga ain't seem like he was going to slow down.

Kai was my bitch, but how in the hell would we be helping her if we got our ass smacked by a car?!

He sped up going through the light, and I got down and held Kai's hand preparing myself for the worst... This mf was willing to risk his damn life for Kai and didn't even know her. Who was he? And why did he care so damn much?

He pulled up to the hospital and I hopped out to get a nurse, a doctor, hell anybody to help us.

He got Kai out of the car and three nurses and a doctor met him with a stretcher.

They rolled her in and I tried to follow them, but another nurse came out the cut and blocked the way. "You need to sit out here and wait, I promise the doctors will do all they can for her. Until then, grab a seat and try to relax" she said

I looked at her and was ready to introduce her to Floyd and Mayweather, my hands. I guess mystery man saw me getting ready to hit her with a 2 piece, no biscuit and he pulled me away.

We sat in the waiting room, and I couldn't help but cry... I started to blame myself.. She didn't even wanna go out... this is all my fault. I leaned over and started to cry in my lap.. If she didn't make it out okay, I would never be the same...

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