Today Show

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Before I start if you guys didn't go you missed out major but if you watched it you're all good!! 💯👌

Today may 26th your boyfriend Austin is performing live on the Today Show whaaaa? That's how perfect Austin is.

Anyways it is 5:30 and you're the only one still in the hotel room so you get dressed fast in a way but it still took about an hour and by the time you were finished it was 6:15.

You grabbed everything you need plus Austin's mic and guitar because he likes to forget things and you walk out the hotel room into the elevator and down to the conference room where everyone was.

When you walked in they were doing vocal warmups and Austin just looked at you as he was finishing up as you were talking to his manager and fixing his mic to put on him.

He was finally done with vocal warmups and he came over to you and hugged you then you told him to turn around so you could hook the mic up.

As you were hooking the mic up the camera crew came in and they were live so you just payed attention to hooking his mic up while they we're talking to Austin.


2 minutes until performing.

You were with him at the door to walk out and yall were just talking until they had him go out and you just stood there watching him perform.

It was time for him to sing Shadow which was his first time and the crew was just standing by the door with you all quiet watching him perfect it.

When he was done he walked off then ran to you picked you up and kissed you then he said "I love you y/n" and you said "I love you too Austin"

A/N sorry if it sucked I'm just trying to update for you guys while I'm in the car and don't worry Jackie I'm working on the other one right now! Love you guys 😘

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